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this chapter is longer then i thought lol, enjoy

In a few minutes, the 6 pulled up to the hospital, and rushed in. They were greeted by a front desk woman.

"How may I help you?" The receptionist asked

"Uh, O-our friend's water broke." Julie stuttered out, still in complete shock.

"Okay, well follow me, we have an open room." The receptionist said. She came out from behind the desk, grabbed a clipboard, and sat Flynn in a wheelchair. She rolled her to a room, and the others followed.

She directed them to in front of a room.

"Who's the father?" She asked

Reggie raised his hand. The receptionist opened the door, and instructed for him to go inside, and she rolled Flynn in also. The other 4 waiting outside, for instructions.

-inside the room-

"The doctor will be with you shortly. Just stay clam." The receptionist smiled. Flynn nodded as she walked out. She lay back on the bed, continuing to breathe.

A few minutes of Reggie trying to calm down Flynn passed by, and a knock was on their door.

"It's us." Julie said outside the door,

"Come in." Flynn said.

The 4 walked in, to see Flynn on the bed, and Reggie on the chair beside her.

"Heyyyy." Luke greeted as they walked in. "How ya feeling?" He asked

"Definitely could be better." Flynn laughed. "Yeah this sucks."

"Well in a few hours, you'll get to meet your son!" Julie said with jazz hands, trying to lighten the mood

Everyone laughed at Julie. "Thanks Jules."

Their laughter was interrupted by another knock on the door.

"Hi, Dr.Gomez. I'll be delivering your baby today. Are we ready?" She asked

"Yep." Flynn nodded.

"Alright, we'll only the father in the room right now."

"You got this Flynn." Alex said, giving her a thumbs up.

The 4 walked out, as the other assistant nurses walked in.

"Alright, let's do this!" The doctor cheered.

——-outside the room——

Julie was pacing back and forth, anxious as to what was happening. She hated the suspense of not knowing what was going on.

"I didn't know this was a fashion show." Luke laughed

"I'm sorry okay? I just hate not knowing what's happening. How are you guys so cool about this?" Julie said.

"Jules." Alex tugged on her arm, making her sit next to him. She sat down next to him, and he pulled her into a quick side hug. "She'll be fine, I promise. Just try and get some rest, we'll update you if we get any news." Alex said. "Now get away from me!" He joked, pushing her off of him. Julie laughed and walked back over to Luke, and placed her head onto his shoulder, where she fell asleep shortly after.

About an hour had passed, and Alex, who was the only one awake, saw the door open. Dr.Gomez, approached them with a clipboard in her hands. Alex jerked up, touching Julie, Luke and Willie to alert them.

"Hi, I just want to inform you..."

Julie's heart was pounding, she had no idea, what was about to come out of her mouth.

"Everything was fine. Flynn and the baby are completely okay, and everything was successful. You can go in now if you'd like." She smiled.

The 4 got up, and walked slowly into the room. They opened the door, to see a tiny little baby, wrapped in a blue blanket ad hat, cradled in Flynn's arms.

"Hi." Julie whispered, before her hand flew directly to her mouth as she got closer.

Luke, Alex and Willie went over to Reggie, patting him on the back in celebration.

"Wanna hold him?" Flynn asked.

Julie nodded, light tears falling from her eyes.

Gently, and slowly, Flynn handed the baby to Julie. Julie held the tiny boy in her arms.

"Julie don't get any ideas." Luke joked

Julie rolled her eyes, not taking her eyes off the the baby boy she was holding.

"Wait, what's the name?" Julie asked, handing the baby back to Flynn.

"Well, We chose it a while ago, and it has their own meaning."

The group smiled, waiting for Flynn to begin again.

"His first name is Lucas. For you Luke. I don't know where I would be today without you. So if anyone wants to call him Luke, they can." Reggie said.

Luke began to tear up. "You're..serious?" He asked, in utter shock.

He nodded. Reggie pulled Luke in for a hug. As they let go. Luke walked over to the kid.

"Hey, Lucas." He whispered and smiled. He backed away, to let Flynn finished.

"His middle name, is Alexander. After Alex. You've been such a big part of all of ours lives. So if anyone wants to call him Alex, they can do that too." Flynn smiled

Alex smiled, and also began to tear up. "Thank you guys." He smiled. He also walked up to Lucas, and softly touched him.

He backed away, as Flynn opened her mouth to say something else.

"Flynn, that's a beautiful name." Julie smiled, tears still flowing down her face.

"Actually, we have one more thing. Reggie?" Flynn asked.

Reggie reached into Flynn's bag, and gave Julie an envelope.

Julie, still confused, hesitantly took the letter from Reggie's hands. She opened it and began to read it aloud.

"Hi Jules, We wanted to do this in front of the others, but would you do Lucas a favor and be his godmo-" Julie cut herself off, ans her hand flew to her mouth, and tears fell down her cheeks

"Yes." Julie smiled softly

Flynn began to cry, at the sight of her happy best friend. Flynn propped up Lucas to where he could see Julie, and said

"Lucas, meet your godmother." Flynn smiled, and laughed.

Julie smiled, tears filling her eyes.

"You guys wanna hold him?" Flynn asked Alex, Luke and Willie.

Lucas went around the room, and everyone got the chance to hold him.

A few hours went by in the room, and the 6 had all spent time talking, and got to hold Lucas numerous times. It was starting to become dark, and a nurse was knocking at the door

"Hi, all visitors have to leave, only the father may stay." She left, and they started to wrap things up.

"We'll come back tomorrow, bye guys." Julie smiled. "Bye Lucas!" Julie said to Lucas, in a cute baby voice.

"Congrats guys." Willie said before leaving with everyone else.

Flynn smiled, as the 4 left. Reggie, still siting next to her, took her hand in his. Eventually, the two fell asleep, and Lucas in the baby bed beside them.

hope you like the name:)

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