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question of the day: what's your favorite color?

-6 months time skip-

August 5, 2029

Luke woke up and read his clock, that said 9:56 AM. He looked beside him to see Julie, still fast asleep. She usually was already awake by now. Luke crawled out of bed, and ran over to her side. He shook her shoulder, to wake her up.

"Wake up!" He yelled laughing

"Luke, Luke stop." Julie whispered, not opening her eyes.

He grew more concerned. "Are you okay?" He asked

"I'm fine. Just tired." She said getting up. "Well I guess I'll get up now. Let me take a shower, I'll be down in a bit." Julie smiled, sitting up.

"Okay." Luke placed a kiss on her head before leaving the room.

Right after Luke left, Julie's smile immediately faded. Julie got up, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. As she walked in, she looked in the mirror.

Something felt different.

Ignoring her instinct, Julie got in the shower. But the feeling wouldn't leave. She didn't feel herself. She has been feeling this for a while now, but she just ignored it. She got out the shower, and quickly threw on sweatpants and a t-shirt. She made her way downstairs, slowly, causing the entire group, who were already awake, to look over.

"You good Jules?" Alex asked.

"I'm fine." She said, putting on a small smile as she made fer way down the final step.

Flynn, who also noticed Julie's current state, got up from the chair to let her sit. Julie shook her head, giving the chair back to Flynn. Luke pulled her into a side hug, just trying to keep her up.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Julie announced. She released herself from Luke's hug, and made her way over to the bathroom.

She walked in, and shut the door. Right at that moment, Julie had the sudden urge to throw up. She bent down, in front of the toilet, and vomited right there. She wiped her mouth and washed her hands, before after she got up, and made her way back to the group.

Flynn noticed her pale expression, right as she came out.

"Jules, you sure you're okay?" Flynn asked

"I'm fine guys. I just left something upstairs." Julie lied

Julie made her way upstairs, and went into Flynn's bathroom. She looked under her sink, in her cabinets, but still couldn't find what she needed. She then looked inside her drawer and found it

A pregnancy test.

Julie took the test and ran back into her bathroom

Julie exhaled, and whispered to herself. "Okay."

Julie took the test, and set it face down on the counter, waiting for the timer on her phone to go off. Julie was overwhelmed with emotions. She was happy, but scared, excited but nervous, and so many more. Right as Julie started thinking deeper into it, the timer went off.

Julie exhaled one more time, before flipping over the test

Slowly Julie nodded. She counted to 3, and turnt it over


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