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"Okay..." Julie said skeptically. "Well what food did you guys get?" She asked.

"We didn't! We were waiting for you!" Alex said quickly.

"Why are you guys acting so weird?" Julie asked suspiciously, but still laughing.

"We're not acting weird you are!" Reggie yelled suddenly, causing Julie to jump a little.

"O-okay." Julie said shocked.

"Ignore them." Luke said glaring at the 3. "What did your dad need?"

"Laptop problems. Again." She laughed before continuing. "He's so old."

"Hey give him a break. In his defense, laptops are kinda complicated." Luke said laughing with her.

"Julie?" Ray said poking his head through the garage door again. "Sorry to bother you, but now that you've fixed my laptop, I need to work, and I also need to run errands today so-"

"You want me to go?" Julie asked, cutting him off.

"Yeah, but not if you don't want to, I could always do it another day." Ray said.

"No, no it's fine. We were gonna get food anyway." Julie said reassuringly.

"You're a lifesaver. Gracias Mìja." He finished.

"Okay, well I'll be back in a bit." Julie said, getting back off the couch.

"I'll come." Flynn said getting off the couch. Luke shot her a glare, and she remembered. The proposal. "Wait I can't!" She said, slowly sitting back down. "I twisted my ankle. Yesterday " She said motioning at her ankle.

"Then how did you walk over to my house?" Julie asked, still


"It's a...miracle?" Flynn said unconvincingly, giving her jazz hands.

"It's okay Flynn. I understand if you wanna stay home and hang out with your husband" Julie said, hinting at Reggie. Flynn and Reggie had gotten engaged about a year ago, and recently had their wedding.

"You sure Jules?" Flynn asked

"Of course." Julie said reassuringly. "Plus I like going to the store by myself. It's nice to having someone look at everything on every single shelf." Julie said, turning her head to Luke.

"Okay, but in my defense you guys have way cooler things in stores now." Luke said putting up his hands defensively.

"He's not wrong." Alex chimed in.

"Whatever." Julie chucked. "I'll bring in some food on the way in. See you guys soon." She placed a small gentle kiss on Luke's lips, and left the garage.

Reggie waited until he say her leave to say,

"Operation: Juke proposal, has been activated." He said. He sounded ridiculous, but everyone laughed.

"You happy now?" Alex asked

"Yes, very." Reggie said smiling

"Okay now Flynn." Luke said. "Can i see the pintrest board?" He asked.

Flynn pulled out her phone and opened the board. She handed the phone to Luke and he was in shock. It was so...beautiful. She had her dream ring, dream dress, dream venue, and he had to do exactly that.

"W-wow." Luke said in complete awe.

"Yeah. So if you don't do exactly that, she'll say no." Flynn said taking back her phone. Luke gave her a worried look, and she began to laugh. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Just make it special. She'll love it no matter what." She reassured him.

"Thank you, Flynn. W-what do I do first?" He asked, getting excited.

"We'll make sure you're ready. This is a big deal. You sure you are ready to spend the rest of your life with Julie?" Alex asked. He just wanted to make sure he wasn't making a mistake.

Luke didn't even have to think about it. He knew the answer.

"Yes. I'm 100% sure."

"Well where are you gonna do it?" Reggie asked

"I-I could do it the garage?" Luke suggested

"I love that..." Flynn started. "But how is it romantic?"

"It's where we first met." A smile grew on Luke's face, as if he was imagining it happening. "I could decorate it, make it as fancy as she would like it." He looked over to Flynn and she was expressionless.

"But we could always just check her pintrest board if-"

"No." Flynn said. "She'll love that. More than anything" She reassured him.

"When are you gonna do it?" Reggie asked

"Wait isn't you guys' anniversary coming up soon?" Alex chimed in

Luke looked at the calendar, that read April 15. He was right. Their anniversary was on 2 days away.

"Yeah you're right Alex. 2 days...Do you guys think I could do it in 2 days?" Luke asked.

"Can you afford it?" Flynn asked

"Yeah! We just got payed big time for our last gig!" Luke said, getting excited.

"What are you gonna wear?" Alex asked.

What are you gonna wear?" Alex asked.

Luke got up and ran to the other side of the garage. He pulled something out in a box that was on the shelf. In the box was a suit. (sleeveless obviously). He pulled it out and showed it to the 3.

"If you don't wear that, I will! Luke that's perfect!" Flynn yelled, clapping.

"I'll go get the ring!" Luke yelled, putting the suit back in the box

"You'll get the what?" Julie asked, walking in.

"Julie!...." Reggie said high pitched, looking at Alex.

"Sling! He's gonna go get the sling for Flynn's arm." Alex said quickly.

"I thought she twisted her ankle.." Julie laughed suspiciously.

"It spreads?" Reggie said unconvincingly.

"Okay..." Julie said skeptically.

"You were quick, what happened?" Luke asked.

"Everything was closed for some reason." Julie said

"Everything?" Luke asked worriedly.

"Sunset boulevard was open but-"

"Okay! Reggie, Alex lets go." Luke said quickly, getting off the couch, and the other 2 following him.

"Wait where are you-" The guys walked out before Julie could finish.

"What's up with them?" Julie asked

"I wish I knew." Flynn said, internally high fiving herself


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