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I studied myself in the mirror, no way I'm getting valedictorian now.

Suicide watch was a bore.

Therapy was stupid.

No one but my dad visited me.

I met an interesting character at group therapy, she was a suicidal anorexic drug addict named Addis, she was like a movie star. She tried slicing her veins open after her girlfriend left her for their drug dealer and a small baggy of heroin. Addis told me that if she wasn't high on prescription medicine everyday she'd have the motivation to open a haberdashery and boutique. She also told me about staying in school otherwise I'd end up like her, a drug addicted twenty year old college drop out giving head to 70 year old men for five bucks.

"Dad, when can I leave?"

"They said something about Friday."

"Friday? Fucking Friday? Dad I have school you know."

My dad flipped through his newspaper,

"Ava even when you get out I swear to god all your freedom is revoked."

"What? Why?" I sat crisscross apple sauce on the uncomfortable bed.

"You we're carrying around prescription pills." He crossed his legs.

I opened my mouth irritated at him.

The door knocked, "Come in." My dad said.

Alex appeared shortly, "Good afternoon." He shook my dads hand.

"What are you still doing here?" I asked him.

"Ava don't be rude, he's your guest." My dad said lowering his newspaper,

"No dad I meant why are YOU still here."

My dad rolled his eyes as he crumpled his newspaper and walked out.

"How's all of this?" Alex asked sitting at the foot of my bed.

I stayed silent examining his beautiful features.

His dark hair, glossy chocolate eyes, square jaw and plump lips. He smelt of old spice and vodka.

My absolute favorite fragrances.

"Why are you staring at me?" He scoffed.

"I'm sorry." I smile at him, he nods his head.

"Why hasn't Stephanie came to see me?" I ask after a brief moment of silence.

"Her parents don't want her near you, they drop her off and pick her up from school." He scratches his palm.

"Oh, and Eric?"

"Haven't seen him around."


Alex reached into his bag and pulled out a folder.

"Okay miss valedictorian, hears all the work you've missed."

He hands me maroon folder. My smile is to wide to contain.

"Oh my god thank you Alex, thank you!" I jump on him, and hug him tightly. He begins to laugh.

"Hold on, you're not valedictorian yet first you have to turn in all this work to your classes." I hug him tighter from his side,

"I love a challenge." I whisper in his ear, he laughs again. I sit back as he stands up,

"Well I'll see you later Ava, I have work."

I nod at him, and stand up I stare at him not contemplating my next move.

"Are you okay?" He asks getting closer to me.

I shake my head and feel the tears well up in my eyes. Alex puts his arms around my waist and hugs me tightly. I begin crying and sniffling loudly.

"What's wrong Ava?" He whispers, my tears staining his lower chest.

"I feel lost." I finally say.

"How come?" He asks.

"I'm not sure." He stops hugging me, and stares at me intensely.

"It's okay to be sad every now and then Ava."

I look at him, my eyes telling him I understand, he strokes my cheek.

He stares at me then at my lips. I look at him and at his lips, he hovers inches above me and pulls me in close again, gripping me tightly I could smell the delicious liquor on him, he gently lets me go and shakes his head.

"I'm sorry I can't Ava, I'll," he heads for the door, "I'll see you later."

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