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"Woah nice condo." Eric said walking into my house and shutting the door.

"Yeah I ruined my dad's bachelor pad." I tossed my keys on the table.

"Want anything to eat or drink?" I offered walking to the kitchen.

"Soda?" He asked timidly,

I nodded my head and poured him some RC in a glass cup.

"Here," I handed it to him, he awkwardly smiled and took it from me.

"How's are you and Sarah doing?" I asked sitting on the couch next to him.

"We're good, she's really nice to me." He placed the cup on the glass coffee table, I quickly put it on a coaster.

"That's good, you score yet?" I punched his arm playfully.

"The first week we were together." He admitted to me as I cupped my hands,

"Oh my god, no way you're lying!" I got closer to Eric on the couch and started questioning him.

"Honest." He looked at me.

"Ew how was she."

"She's really freaky." He laughed,

"Oh god!" I was still in total disbelief.

"I was her first."

"No way you were Sarah Felix's first." I exclaimed surprised because Sarah looked like the whore-ish type.

He nodded at me then took a drink of his soda, I laid against his arm.

I missed my old friend.

I felt as if me and Eric were back to the old us, before he developed a huge crush on me.

"Hey let's watch a movie and just chill." I looked up at him and he grinned at me.

We were watching Pulp Fiction, one of my favorite movies because of Uma Thurman and Bruce Willis ofcourse.

I laid my head on Eric's arm trying to get warm, I wasn't even trying to send him mixed signals, I was just glad I had my friend back.

Eric's arm was firm yet inviting.

"Hey Ava, did you ever even consider like dating me?" Eric asked out of the blue.

I blinked at the screen a few times before answering, "No." I finally replied.

I sat up, he put his hand on top of mine and gripped it, I didn't pull away this time.

"Ava, I just, I still love you."

"Eric, you have Sarah, someone who appreciates you."

He groaned and scratched his head, I chuckled then kissed his cheek, "Let's just keep it like this."

"I can't." Eric plastered his lips on mine, the warm sensation brought up nostalgic feelings, the feel of his lips and my vulnerability matched up together,

I pulled away first.

"Eric, I, I think you should go." I stood up then he stood up too he hovered over me looking straight into my eyes and kissed me again rubbing his hands down my body, I stood on my tippy toes to kiss him.

He pulled away, "I love you Ava."

"I don't Eric." I whispered to him, he shut his eyes in pain,

"But I love what were about to do." I said holding onto his hand, he smiled at me then came in for another kiss.

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