Twenty Seven

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"We didn't even run people just nominated us individually." I say shocked that I was nominated for prom queen this year.

"Who nominated Alex?" He asks,

"I don't know."

"Are you two even dating?" Eric asked me as he walked me to class.

"Yeah." I replied with a small smile on my face.

"You guys don't act like it, every girl on campus flirts with him." He scoffs.

I roll my eyes.

"He is Alex." I reply,

"So? During weight training girls go into the weight room to just look at him workout." Eric and me stop outside of class.

"So I should publicly claim my territory?" I ask him and he nods.

At lunch me, Eric and his new girlfriend Becka sit together, we all see Alex talking to some group of girls. Both Eric and Becka nod at me and I stand up.

I walk towards my boyfriend and the girls, they all fall silent and look up at me from their lunch table.

"Hey get up." I demand Alex, he scoffs,

"Excuse you." He smirks.

"Get up, or I swear to God Alex." Alex slowly stands up and faces me, he hovers above me, I stand on my toes and reach my hands up to his head and kiss him, I could feel a small smile form on his face.

"We aren't freshman you don't have to kiss me like that, girls know I'm taken." He said as we exited the cafeteria, his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey can we talk?" I ask him putting my seat belt on in his car.

"Sure." He says lowering the music.

"So Harvard accepted you?" I bite my bottom lip, he nods his head.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It isn't important." He replied.

"Of course it is, it's amazing." I smile at him.

"I don't want to go." He replies backing out of the parking space.

"Why? You know I have three universities offering me full ride scholarships?" I twist my body to face him.

"Yeah, you're going far away aren't you?" He stops at a red light, he sounds irritated.

"I need to get out of this small place. I want to go see the city." I reply to him, he stays silent.

"What are you scared of?" I finally ask him breaking the thick silence.

"Nothing." He replies with a small smirk on his face.

"We're all scared of something." I say.

"Oh and what are you scared of?" Alex asks as he keeps his eyes on the road.

I stare at him and feel warm inside.

"I'll tell you If you tell me." I say and he nods,

"I'm afraid of losing someone else I love, now you go." I hold his hand above the lever.

"My only fear is losing my sanity."

I look at Alex, his face is covered in agony. I lay my head on his arm and listen to music in silence until we reach the city which Is way out there.

I get off excited and look all around downtown, I wish our town had a place as big as this. I squeal as we walk in front of the dress shops.

"Oh my god I'm going to look so cute I don't care." I grip his hand and run in the store, two levels of designer dresses arranging from Rebecca Minkoff originals to Valentino.

"Oh god look at this one Alex!" I throw the blue dress on him.

"Oh god Eric would love It If I wore one of these, he's always telling me I would look good in that color." I toss another dress at him. As we go along I've compiled around 20 dresses on him, I couldn't even see his face.

I tried them all on, one by one, showing my boyfriend each of them but he was silent throughout the whole thing.

"Ma'am we have this little number right here." The sales attendant handed me a dress through the top of the dressing room.

"It's a Fendi original." She added.

I put the silk black dress on, it was long and complimented my body shape, it resembled the dress from Breakfast at Tiffany's.

"Alex, what do you think?" I smile at him as I stand on a small stage surrounded by three mirrors. He sits on a white upholstered chair, he examines me,

"It's nice." He replied deadly, I rolled my eyes at him.

"I should of just taken Eric's offer to shop with me, he wouldn't have been a dick." He stayed silent.

"You know what take me home." I say staring at him staring at me.

"You made me drive for two hours straight to bring you here now you don't want anything?" He stood up he was almost yelling, the attendant fiddled with her earrings.

"Don't raise your voice in public." I say silently but in a demanding tone.

"Don't tell me what the fuck to do." He gets close to me.

"I'm not going to prom now take me home." I yell at him and go back into the dressing room. I take off the beautiful satin dress and scream into a pillow from the couch inside the dressing room leaving my lip gloss's stain on the white pillow, fuck.

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