Twenty Four

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The rain hadn't stopped.

Doctors kept coming in and out to check on the unconscious Alex, changing his douche bags or putting more medicine into his IV.

Every nurse or doctor would smile at me so kindly.

It was 3AM in the morning when I had fallen asleep. The heart monitor keeping me company.

I woke up again, the flashes of lighting and sound of thunder woke me up along with the coldness of the room.

"Ava," I looked up at him, he had a small grin on his face, the oxygen mask covering his nose.

"Yeah?" I whispered getting closer to him.

"Lay next to me?" He said weakly.

I looked at the bed which had space for up to five people and nodded at him, I layed on the side that had no wires attached to him and adjusted the blanket over us, he rested his head on top of mine and began breathing slowly and steadily. Then I closed my eyes and wandered off.

"And who is she?"

I opened my eyes and saw a tall thin woman standing in front of the bed along with a tall handsome man and a doctor.

"She's been here all day and night with him." The doctor said to her.

"Honey she isn't hurting him, let her be." The man told the woman, I cautiously sat up, "Oh she's awake." The man said.

"Excuse me but why are you sleeping next to him?" The woman asks, I look around trying to situate myself.

"He asked me too?" I respond, getting up.

"And who are you exactly?" She asks again.

"I'm Ava." I say.

The looks on the woman and man's face changes.

"Really? Alexander talks so much about you." The man says, I stay silent.

"Oh our apologies, I'm Roy, his father, and this is his step mom Marie." The couple both shakes my hand.

The doctor wanders out and we all stand in silence.

"Not trying to sound harsh but where were you guys?" I ask finally.

"Chicago, on business." Marie replies walking near Alex, "Really Ava thank you for saving him."

"You're even prettier than he described." Roy says smiling.

I feel kind of annoyed instead of flattered.

"Did they tell you what was going on?" I ask.

"Yes I believe he was internally bleeding, his left lung collapsed and has a slight cranial crack, but they were able to fix it all. He'll just be in pain for a few weeks." Marie stands up.

I feel sick.

"I think I'll be going." I pick my stuff up and leave as fast as I can. What fast talking, odd, and emotionless people.

Arriving at my house I feel tired, anxious, and deprived. My stomach growls but my mind begs me for a goodnight sleep. I can feel my body contradicting itself.

I toss my bag on the floor and get cereal from the kitchen. I lock myself in my room and eat blandly as if nothing had happened. I don't want to think of it. I just want to sleep.

The vibrations of my phone wake me, without looking I reach under my pillow and pull out my phone.

"Hello?" I answer my voice tired and groggy.

"Ava." I automatically know the voice on the other line.

"What Carlos?" I yawn,

"So sorry about your little boyfriend."

"What do you mean? Wait, how do you even know?" I sit up, feeling alerted.

I piece the puzzles together.

"You motherfucker." I whsiper into the phone.

"You left me no choice Ava." He snickers, I can already see him laughing his wide meth wasted laugh. My stomach churns in disgust.

"You could of killed him."

"He gave my boys a good fight, maybe once he's out I can hire him to work for me."

"Carlos, what do you want?" I plead, my head throbbing,

"Nothing Ava, we're even now. I think."

Carlos hangs up and I can't figure out what he meant.

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