Twenty One

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I adjusted my black laced bandeau top to push my boobs farther up, they looked nice.

My outfit was all black, a black bandeau, ripped dark skinny jeans, and black Timberlands.

I looked stunning.

Stephanie stared at me in disbelief not believing I'd show off so much skin.

It was 5pm when I went downstairs after I was finished getting ready to say bye to my dad.

"Oh no, no, no, no, go put on some real clothes missy." My dad crossed his arms.

"Dad I'm eighteen today, chill." I smiled at him.

He hesitated, "Fine whatever, just be safe and if the police come remember, you can go to adult jail now." He grinned, "Love you Ava, be safe." My dad kissed my cheek and drove off.

At 7pm Eric and his older brothers Leo and Tristan came in with booze, kegs, liquor, and drugs.

And by 10pm the cabin was full. Hundreds of people gathered inside and outside, dancing, drinking, snorting, fucking, vomiting, crying, while I just sat back sober watching deviously at everyone having fun.

"Ava let's dance?" Eric came up to me shirtless with glow stick paint on his abs and a random cowboy hat.

"No go have fun Eric."

He shrugged and wandered off yelling.

I closed my eyes and tossed my head back, I began to cry.

I felt so alone, not all the drinks and drugs in the world could fill the void of loneliness and abandonment.

Nothing ever could.

Tears rolled down my cheeks and the bass vibrated them.

I opened my eyes and felt lonely in a place full of people, I looked around and saw Alex.

Last person I wanted to see.

He was dancing with a tall blond girl.

Did he know this was my party?

Did he come just to fuck with my mind?

I smirked as I looked up at the DJ who was already looking at me, I made my way towards him up on the small stage, he looked at me and winked as he turned the tables. I leaned back on his table, and bit my lip. He kept turning the tables, I went under his arms and leaned over his space, my butt rubbing against him, I stood up and he slowly grinded on me. I looked up at him.

I was sure to get the attention from everyone here.

"Go Ava!" The crowd began to yell.

I'm sure Alex was aware by now.

The DJ stopped spinning records and rubbed his hands on my flat stomach making his way down slowly, I stopped him after I realized I was being a spiteful bitch.

"I can't." I apologized to the DJ he just shook his head and went back to his job.

I ran upstairs to the bedroom I was staying in and unlocked the door to get in, once I was inside I ran to lay down on the bed.

I began to cry again, feeling like a pathetic person. I sat on the bed and pulled my legs to my chest and just cried. All I did was fucking cry and I was tired of it.

"Ava?" Alex took a seat next to me on the bed and hugged me, he rocked me back and forth in his arms.

"Shhhhhhh," he began to say, "don't cry."

I looked up at him and sniffled loudly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm so alone Alex, I don't even know who I am anymore." He tightened his hug on me.

"You're not alone, I won't leave your side Ava."

"But everyone else has left."

"But I won't, and believe me, that's a promise."

"Promises are bullshit." I push him away and stand up, I look at him and his eyes look like they're becoming darker. I groan in frustration loudly.

Alex stares at me in a frustrated matter as if to hit me, I wish he would, atleast I'd finally feel something else other than self loathing.

"You're so fucking hard headed Ava." He stands up quickly.

"Well what the fuck do you want?" I cross my arms and get closer to him,

"Do you want a fucking girl who lets any fucking guy shit on her? Do you want a weak insecure girl? Because by now you should now I'm not fucking average, I am way above average and I don't mean physically, I mean mentally."

Alex scoffs at me, "That's why I fucking want you. You challenge me and I can't take it anymore Ava, I love a challenge." He bites his bottom lip,

He gets closer, my body pinned against the wooden wall, the loud music and bass rocketing through my blood stream, Alex's warmth against me, he takes my hands then firmly and tightly holds them against the wall, we look at each other and a small smile forms across his face, I watch him as he quickly comes in, his lips meet mine, I feel like a fire has just ignited in my stomach, his lips soft yet harshly kissing me I could taste the vodka that was still lingering on his lips. I want more.

"You're drunk, aren't you?" I pull my face away gingerly,

"Yeah." He whispers near my face,

"So you didn't mean anything you just said did you?" I look down, he let's go of one of my arms and holds my chin up roughly to face him,

"Drunk words, are just sober thoughts."

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