Thirty One

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Sex is different when it's with someone you love.

It's meaningful, it's passionate, it's amazing.

"You know," He begins,

"Out of every girl I've ever been with," he stalls again, "None have ever made me feel like you do."

I laugh in the darkness of his room.

"You're the second guy I've slept with, yet you've had millions of experiences." I say back to him.

"I guess you can say that, but truthfully, I've never been in love with anyone until I met you." He says shifting a bit in the bed,

"What's it like for you?" I ask him,

He stays silent.

"Scary." He finally replies.

"How come?" I ask holding his hand under his bed sheets.

"It's scary for a lot of reasons."

"Name some for me."

"Okay well, you have this power over me that can make me feel so much. You can make me happy without trying, you can make me laugh without trying, and it's scary because I love you so much, I know you're going to break my heart eventually and I won't be able to stop it."

I stroke his arm, and stare up at him, my head resting on his muscular chest whilst the moon from his window softly glows on our faces. The sleep catches us unexpectedly and we fall asleep in one another's arms.

My phone rings at midnight.

"Ava." His voice is raspy.

"Carlos." It snaps me out of my tiredness somewhat.

Suddenly I hear Alex's house alarm going crazy then staying silent, Alex stands up from the bed and grabs a baseball bat.

"Right now some of my men broke into your boyfriends house, I suggest you go with them if you don't want him hurt."

"Carlos what are you doing?" I stand up and begin to panic, Alex stares at me the bat in his hand, six men break into his room and Alex immediately runs and hits one in the head, one man rushes towards me and holds me down, then another three guys corner Alex and one hits him on the head with the butt of his gun twice, I scream in terror then they hit me in the head. Darkness.

I wake up, the rope is tightened on me and there's a rolled up fabric in my mouth, my anxieties kick in and I try to break free.

"Ava relax." I turn to my left and my boyfriend is a good lengths away beside me, he's beaten up. I scream but the thing in my mouth muffles it.

"Ava relax, please." He says calmly, tears go down my cheeks.

"Yes Ava, do as your boyfriend says." His voice, his fucking voice sends chills down my spine making me cringe.

Carlos walks up to me and takes the fabric out of my mouth,

"You motherfucker." I say blatantly.

"Watch your fucking mouth." Carlos says calmly,

"If I wasn't tied up right now I swear I'd rip your nut sack off." I growl, he laughs at me.

"Ava I just want to talk." Carlos says standing in front of me.

"Just say what you need to say and let him go." I motion my head to Alex.

"No, as long as your here I'm here, I don't care." Alex looks at me, his mouth was surrounded by dry blood.

"Aww how touching." Carlos laughs and mocks us,

"Just, what do you want?" I ask him.

"You owe me a lot of money Ava."

"What the fuck do you mean? I kept what you fucking gave me. I never fucking cheated you." I screamed at him.

"That was before you left my business."

"What the fuck!" I yell again, his smile turns into a frown,

"You have approximately until Thursday of next week to get me $100,000 dollars or you will die." He smiles again,

"Don't fucking threaten my girlfriend." Alex's voice Is calm but menacing, he moves around as if he was trying to get out.

"$100,000 dollars Ava, don't forget." Carlos kisses my forehead then something hits me in the back of the head and once again, darkness.

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