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"Hey Eric." I smiled at him as he put his arm around me,

"You look super cute today, but then again you always look cute." He grinned a bit,

"Lame, you suck at flirting." I laughed at him, his face got that disappointed look to it making me feel bad.

"Aw come on Eric, you know I love you." I kissed his cheek and he obviously blushed.

Stephanie approached us and broke his grip from my shoulder as she was coming in between us,

"Hey Guys, so I guess there's a new kid at school." She said facing me, all three of us stopped as we stood in front of a vending machine,

"Who?" Eric asked leaning against the machine I put a dollar into,

"I don't know I think it's Allen something."

I don't know why she told us, I didn't give a fuck, I retrieved my chocolate bar just as the bell rang, "See you guys later."

We split apart and I walked to my seventh period which was Math, I was biting my Snickers in small bites to save some for class.

I took my regular seat in the way back a and concentrated on my chocolate bar, savoring each bit.

Once I finished I laid my head down on the desk and zoned out.

"Class, we have a new student joining us today, this is Alexander Rogers."

I shot my head up to see Mr.Gross introduce the same handsome guy I sold drugs to yesterday.

Stephanie is so stupid, yeah his names "Allen" yeah fucking right get the name right next time dumb ass.

I looked around the class, the girls were smitten with him, eye humping him or something.

"Sit in any empty seat you'd like, I'll give you your official seat tomorrow." Mr.Gross said pointing at empty seats even the one next to me.

I quickly looked away as me and Alex made eye contact, fuck.

I looked into my notebook, pretending to take notes, shit he's walking towards the back, fuck, shit oh god please don't.


His cologne intoxicated me, he leaned back in his chair, I became uneasy as he leaned towards me watching me write,

"You're writing 'fuck' a lot in your notes." He said bluntly, I turned to him and he smiled at me, although it was more of a smirk.

I could melt into a liquid puddle right now.

I looked back into my notebook, I sighed a little.

"You sold me some good shit yesterday." He was still near my face, I nodded my head slowly avoiding eye contact with him.

"You don't look like a drug addict but you act like one." He remarked making me mad,

"Fuck you, you don't fucking know me." I retaliated and he laughed,

"Down kitty cat." He winked slowly,

"I'm not a fucking kitty cat." My voice trembled with nerves and anger,

"You two, keep it down." Mr.Gross said to us before returning to his lesson.

I rolled my eyes and Alex smiled again,

"Why do you come here now?" I asked in an irritated manner,

"My dad forced me."

I nodded my head.

We sat in silence for the next forty or so minutes.

I walked out the door into the hall quickly looking in every kind of direction like some sort of tweaker.

I need coffee to soothe me.

"Hey drug girl!" I turned around to see Alex walking towards me, I walked faster but he caught up and stood in front of me.

"I have a fucking name you know."

He smiled,

"Princess?" He said then gave me a boyish smile,

"No, It's Ava, get it right." I said trying to move through the left side of him but he just stopped me,

"I didn't ask your name either way. But here, you forgot your phone." He held up my iPhone, I quickly snatched it from him.

"Thanks." I groaned.

"No problem." He winked then walked downstairs.

Fucking asshole.


"You can do it." Stephanie was telling Eric as I approached them,

"Do what?" I smiled at them noticing that Eric was holding a few roses in his hand,

Stephanie clenched her hands together and jumped a bit while Eric was looking at me as if he just saw a fucking ghost.

"Okay," Eric inhaled then exhaled,

"Ava?" I looked at him, but I got distracted because beyond him I could see Alex laughing, with a group of girls, ugh typical, a new guy comes up and they're already all over his dick.

I kept replaying our conversation in my head, and I began to blush thinking of when he called me "princess" in his deep deviant voice, fuck why am I thinking so much? He's a jerk, just look at him. Ugh.

"So what do you say Ava?" I looked at Eric dumbfounded.

"Huh?" I smiled, I honestly didn't hear him.

"I knew it! Fuck!" He threw the roses on the floor and left quickly, I picked them up and Stephanie looked at me with a disappointed expression on her soft face.

"What was his problem?" I asked bundling up the rose stems with a hair tie.

"You are so fucking mean Ava." She gave me a death stare and I looked at her genuinely confused,

"What'd I do?"

"The poor guy pours his feelings out and you just ignore him? He was asking you out on a date you idiot! I'm sorry Ava but you're just so rude and cold hearted. Live a fucking little." She walked away.

Although I was genuinely confused, I knew I had to make it right with Eric after all, I sighed then began looking for him.

I felt awful, I guess I really was "rude" and I was also, "cold hearted" I had a good reason for that, but maybe it was time I let my guard down.

After a while of searching I found Eric at the bus stop, I sat next to him and sighed,

"Hey." I whispered, he looked at me then looked away, I handed out to him the roses he dropped, he looked then turned away again.

"Eric you wanna go on a date?" This time I was asking him.

"Hmmmm?" I kept poking his face with the roses then he let out a quiet chuckle,

"Aw that's my Eric, so what do you say?" I hung my arms around his shoulders.

"Sure, but I'm paying." He leaned his head on top of mine and sighed,

"So what are we going to do and when?" I asked nonchalantly.

"Dinner then a movie tomorrow night?" He asked,

"Classic." I said kissing his cheek, he blushed.

"Well I gotta go Eric, drugs don't sell themselves." I got up and adjusted the black tights I wore under my skirt before walking off.

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