Thirty Two

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"Fuck off!" I throw my shoe at him, he continues trying to come near me,
"Just fuck off it's over!" I yell dramatically,

"Ava stop being a fucking bitch!" He screams back, still following me through the dark empty street,

"I can't let you stay with me!" I scream again and begin to cry, I stumble on a crack on the floor and fall on my face causing my lip to bust open and bleed, Alex approaches me and sits on the concrete beside me, he hands me the shoe I threw at him and he gives me a half smile, I yank it from his hand and put it back on.

After a moment of silence he breaks it,
"Ava I'm not leaving you." He puts his arm around me, the tears and mascara burn my eyes.

"You have to or you'll get hurt again." I say in between sobs.

"I don't care, we're in this together and we'll figure it out Ava. I love you so much." He holds me tighter, I love being in his arms, I feel safe and loved and warm, the smell of his cologne penetrates my nostrils and I realize that I'm completely In love with this boy. I can't afford to hurt him.

His parents denied him for money, saying that they wouldn't give him the $100,000 because they can't trust him and my dad could never know what I was doing or what I used to do or he'll have a heart attack from anger.

I was out of options as graduation and the deadline for money was almost due.

Graduation ceremony and the money were both due Thursday.

No one but me and Alex knew what was going on, we seemed closer and he never left my side no matter what.

I was always thinking that if I get him hurt again, I think I'd kill myself. I've hurt so many people, I couldn't afford to hurt him. Again.

"Ava, you haven't touched your dinner." My dad said smiling at me from across the table, I gave him a small fake smile,

"Not hungry. Nervous for graduation." I gently tugged at my hair,

"Can't believe it, you're so grown." He looks at Alex, "Son, are you exited?"

Alex nods his head,

"Very, finally my grade school career is over." Alex replies looking at me, he can tell I'm really nervous.

"Dad, can we be excused? We're going to his parents." I say standing up.

"No, I have a surprise for you!" My dad stands up too then waves his arms in front of me, "Come on out." He shouts, I look around confused as ever.

"Ava." Ashley stands at the door way, her eyes covered in tears, I can feel warmth in my heart I run to her and jump in her hands and cry Into her dark hair, she cries with me and laughs then lets me down, "Oh my god," she begins wiping her runny eye liner off, I laugh and kiss her cheek.

"I missed you so much baby sister." I hug her again, we begin to laugh.

"When did you come in?" I ask her as we go take seats on the living room couch, followed by my dad sitting too and Alex standing.

"Earlier today, your dad payed for my ticket last week."

I look at my dad and he grins widely, I mouth a thank you to him and he gives me a thumbs up.

"You're still the same Ash."

"And you're still the same Ava."

"How long are you going to stay?" I ask her,

"Well, your dad, he offered me to move in." She gives a meek smile. I squeal in excitement, "Oh my god Dad! No way!" I jump up and hug him.

"I'd still have to go back and get my stuff though." She mentions,

"And your actual dad is okay with it?" She nods her head,

"Yeah, he has like four other kids and a bitch of a wife anyways." She giggles.

Me and Ashley catch up. The never ending happiness of seeing my baby sister made my sour mood forget all my worries and just focus on her.

"Babe should I go?" Alex asks leaning against a couch breaking our conversation, suddenly the depression and memories come back, as if Alex triggers bad memories.

I begin to feel paranoid again.

"You can't leave me." I stand up, he looks at me confused, "Don't leave, I don't know what I'd do." I can see different colors now.

"Ava? Are you okay?" My dad asks,
"Yes!" I scream, "Ashley's here and everything is okay." I laugh maniacally, everyone stares at me very confused.

I sit back down and shut my eyes allowing the voices and images to leave my head.

"Wow Alex, you're dating my sister now?" Ashley says after a long silence,

"Yeah, crazy huh?" He tells her,

"Yeah I remember she was all in love with you."

I open my eyes up and nod my head.

"Ava I'm going to go." Alex says again then I finally understand.

"Okay, bye."

Alex leaves then my dad stands up,

"Well goodnight guys, Ava has a big day ahead of her tomorrow." My dad says then disappears into his room.

"Well come on Ashley let's go to my room." I led her to my bedroom and Alex was already in there, I shut the door.

"Why is he in here Ava?" Ashley asked, "He stays with me." I said.

"Oh, why?" She asked,

"Because." I smile at her.

"Oh well I think I'm going to crash out, jet lag you know?" Me and Alex sit in silence waiting for her to be asleep.

I laid my head in his lap and he gently stroked my hair, all I could think about was how everything would play out in the future.

Together we laid in the darkness.

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