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"It's been 2 months since your mother passed?" The schools principal Mr.Hart, asked me. I nodded my head.

"Ava I'm so sorry but you can't be the valedictorian of your class anymore." He said then rubbed his chin.

"Listen Principal Hart, I've been here since freshman year, I've always been a straight A student, I just went to do online classes while I recovered from my mother passing," I paused and sighed for dramatic effect, "Please principal Hart, being the valedictorian means the world to me."

He looked around the room then at me, "And how have you felt since your mother passed?"

I gave him a glare, "I'm back aren't I? So what do you think? And truthfully I prefer not having it brought up anymore."

"I'm sorry Ava, but as for your position in being valedictorian again it has been taken by Alexander Rogers."

I froze a bit, Alexander Rogers? Alexander? As in Alex? Hot Alex? Alex I haven't seen or talked to in months Alex?

"How is he valedictorian if he always skips?" I was outraged, confused and also a bit distraught at the fact that Alex seemed like the academic probation type, not the academic prodigy type.

"He has all honors and AP classes which he's passing with A's, he also has a GPA of 4.5 and he has the highest test scores, that's how Ava."

I grunted,

"Well what can I do to get my spot back?"

"It's your first day back here why are you so worried?" Principal Hart flicked a pen around on his desk, I felt like he just asked what's 2 + 2 the stare I gave him scared him I could tell by the way he avoided my glare.

"Because I am a fucking beast, I have to be at the top of my game, I am the top of the food chain and everyone else has to watch out because I will eat them alive and I promise you I will get class valedictorian again if it's the last thing I do, now I would seriously like my schedule."

He laughed a bit, "I like your attitude, I have no doubt you'll get your position back Ava." He handed me a pink paper with my new schedule on it,

"Go get them tiger."

I smiled at the round man and walked out of his office.

My new school schedule consisted of:

1st Pd- AP Calculus

2nd Pd- Honors English 12

3rd Pd- Honors French 8

4th Pd- AP Anatomy

5th Pd- Lunch

6th Pd- Honors Government

7th Pd- Advanced Dance 4

8th Pd- Option Library T.A.

At least I had an option class and I still had lunch with Stephanie.

It was no different, everyone knew me, I knew everyone, school was whatever to me, all the classes were simple just like they've always been and my option class was a 'show up or not it doesn't matter' class.

So I didn't show up the first day, instead I went to go sell at the park where I thought about how lonely I was now that my mom and sister were gone.

Then after I walked home I decided that I have to get out of selling drugs soon.

I'm to old for this, I'm to mature for this, but the money is so God damn, I say God damn good.

The strange thing about me was although I sold drugs, I never did any. My addiction was money and purely money.


After dance class I decided to go to my library assistant class just to see what was up.

"Okay sweetie, all you have to do is either stack books by the Dewey decimal system, scan books, check out books, go through books, or clean up." The librarian Ms.Hans smiled at me, I smiled back and walked to a book shelf near the back in fiction and started restocking books.

I loved books but didn't have time to read anymore, or at least I didn't make the time for it anymore. The last thing I read on my spare time was 'Catcher and the Rye' and I loved it.

"Ava?" Alex's voice sent familiar chills down my spine.

"Alex." I said turning around to face him.

He was even more handsome then I remembered. He gave me a wide smile, he leaned over me, I blushed then quickly hugged him, he stood still for a few seconds then hugged me back. I nuzzled my face in the warmth of his sweater.

"It's been a while." He said then I let go.

"Yeah." I replied regaining my composure.

"Come on lets, go get a pizza or something." He took my hand and we walked out of the library, Ms.Hans wouldn't notice she was asleep at her desk.

We walked to a small alley like themed pizza place, It felt like lady and the tramp.

"How's everything?" Alex took a seat in front of me.

"Good." I replied, I knew I had the stupidest smile in the world, I knew I looked dumb because I was positive my face was cherry red.

"I'm sorry about your mom, I lost my mom too so I know how it must feel." He looked at me with apologetic eyes, my smile faded, then reappeared at the sight of our pizza coming to us.

"It's fine, I didn't know about your mom." I said grabbing a slice.

"Don't worry about it, I was 9 when it happened, it's been a while." He took a bite from his pizza.

"Anyways I heard you took my spot as valedictorian, I didn't know you were smart."

He looked at me surprised, "I didn't know you were smart, little miss drug dealer."

I set my pizza down and we laughed hysterically, "Oh God, I just hope you know I'm taking my spot back." I gave him a smirk and he nodded his head in agreement.

"We'll see." Alex winked.

The atmosphere was light and the entire time he flirted with me without knowing, I just felt it.

"You know Ava, I was thin-"

Alex's phone went off, he answered it and kept a serious face,


"With my friend."

The voice on the other line got hysterical, it was a females.


Fuck it was a girl.

"It's just my friend."

"Fine yeah, I'll pick you up right now."

"Alright bye."

He hung up and looked around awkwardly, "Girlfriend troubles you know?" He hesitated to speak to me.

"No I don't." I replied with a faint disappointed grin.

"Um, listen do you need a ride home?" He offered in a apologetic tone.

"No, I'm fine your girlfriend needs you, I'll call someone up." I stood up and patted him on the shoulder, "Thanks for the pizza Alex."

"Wait Ava." I stopped walking away and turned around to face him then he said, "Never mind."

The disappointment I felt burned, yes I like Alex, I'm not sure why but I just do. He's unbearably amazing, mysterious, and just my type.

"Hello?" Eric picked up at the second ring.

"Eric?" I said my voice shaking.

"Come pick me up please?"

"I can't I'm with Sarah."

"Please I need you."

He sighed.

"Alright, I'm going then, stay where you are."

I hung up and sat alone at a deteriorated bus stop alone for 30 minutes then he appeared.

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