Twenty Six

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Taking Alex home was strange.

It felt right but confusing.

His friends and me helped him home, not his parents.

His house was huge and beautiful, bigger than the old house I lived in, but although the Inside was huge and well furnished, it was empty and had a sad lonely feel to it.

Everyday I'd stay over after I came home from school just to take care of him, he'd spend most of his time asleep because he either had a fever, was too doped up on medicine and pain relievers, or was even in so much pain all he could do was sleep.

His parents weren't ever around.

"Ava go to school." Alex told me through dry lips one day.

"Spring break started today." I said picking up his dirty clothes and putting them into a basket.

"You know you don't have to do this, I can just hire someone."

"I like it, I like to pretend I'm married and doing my wife duties." I giggle a bit.

"And who are you married too?" He asks a smirk on his face.

"Evan Peters." I put the basket on a small coffee table.

"Fuck you." He laughs then throws a rolled up blanket at me, he groans and I laugh.

"Ava look at this." He asks and I make my way towards him, he pulls me in and I lay beside him, we lock our hands together and stare at his ceiling.

"I love you." He whispers.

I can't say it back.

It's like a ball In my throat.

"Alex," I break the silence with my soft demanding voice.

"Where are your parents?" I face him.

"Dead I hope." He replies.

Chills come along my spine.

"Don't hope for that." I say.

"I hate them, especially Marie." His grip on my hand tightens.


He sighs.

"My mom, she was beautiful, sweet, caring, and amazing, my father and I were so happy. When she died, a few months later my dad married Marie, a bitch that worked with him and he forgot all about me and Sam." He let go of my hand.

"Who's Sam?"

"My little sister." He smiles at me.

"I've never seen her or heard you mention her until now?" I sit up and sit criss cross apple sauce.

"She died when she was three and I was like six." He bit his bottom lip.

Ashley surged through my mind.

"I didn't know, I'm sorry."

"It's okay. We have her grave down at a cemetery, we would visit her every day but then when mom died my dad stopped visiting. I visit every week now or at least try, both of them are buried next to one another."

We sat in silence. He looked like he was lost in his thoughts, my eyes looked at his shirtless body, he had a stitches running from his rib cage to his v-line. His tattoos were all perfectly drawn, I felt bad that I was the cause of his pain.

I got up and began sorting things out again, in a corner next to his garbage can were a bunch of strewn and wadded up papers in and around it.

I opened one, I opened another, then another, then another.

All said the same thing.

"Congratulations, you have been accepted for a place in the 2016 class of Harvard Law School."

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