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I layed in my bed.

Looking up at the white ceiling I sighed, I couldn't help but think of my mom, my sister, my father, and how I wish things could've been different.

I remember the day so clearly when my father left due to my mother's infidelity, I wasn't stupid.

I remembers seeing another man come over and leave before my dad would get home.

I remember that sick feeling in my body full of confusion and anger wondering why mom did that, my mom even convinced my dad that Ashley was his daughter, which later he would find out she wasn't, when Ashley was five.

When my mom told my dad about Ashley and her affair, he left.

He came into my room the night he left and told me he left me some money in the bank.

I didn't understand at the time but he left me, $10,000 dollars I could take out when I was eighteen as a trust fund. He left us the cars, the house, which were all luxurious.

When my dad left my mom got her job as a psychiatrist back until she was diagnosed with acute lymphoma when I was fourteen.

Her health began declining rapidly so she quit, then we started needing money desperately.

So I slowly began selling drugs, first a small amount like nicks or dimes of weed then when I got the sweet taste of money, I craved more.

I craved so much that I was trusted with selling large quantities whether it was cocaine, weed, or pills I moved all that stuff for Carlos and he was impressed with me, with the money I'd make plus what Carlos pay's me, in two weeks I make $5,000.

And he lets me keep 30% of what I sell.

With the money I make I pay my moms medical bills, our own utility bills and I buy Ashley whatever she needs or wants.

I love it, I love selling drugs but I can't do this forever, I'm positive I'll have to quit sooner or later.

Hopefully sooner.

My thoughts were interrupted by my phones vibration, I sighed and reached to the end table, accidentally dropping my watch onto the floor, I looked at my phone screen, it was a rich kid named Paul who was asking for a huge delivery tonight at his party.

This wasn't for me. This was for Carlos.

I called Carlos immidatley:

Carlos: Yes?
Me: I need a big delivery for a party.
Carlos: How big?
Me: A pound of weed and 2 pounds of ecstasy.
Carlos: That isn't big.
Me: Well it's big enough to get us caught.
Carlos: Okay I'll tell you what kid, take the buyer to "El Rey" Joey and Liam will be outside.
Me: Alright.

I hung up and dressed in warm winter attire.


"Um Ava where are we?" Paul trotted behind me scared of his surroundings.

"Don't worry about it." I replied making my way behind a few ran down buildings.

"What if you try to kill me huh?" He asked sticking to me as we halted in front of the abandoned building,

"I won't kill you, They will kill you."

I pointed to Joey and Liam who were smiling at us, Paul gulped at the huge muscular guys guarding the doors.

"Give them your phone or they'll take it."

Without questioning me he gave Joey his phone and looked at them with fear.

I opened the door with a Master Key then pulled the door up.

The abandoned building brought back memories.

"C'mon, this way." I said pulling out my phones flashlight.

Paul looked vigorously everywhere with wonderment in his eyes.

"Here." I pulled out a bag and from it the supply.

He grinned wide.

"What is it?" He asked.

"A pound of kush and your triple c's." He touched the bag then I pulled it away quickly,

"Money first."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out $3,000 dollars.

"You know you're the first guy I've ever sold this much weed and pills to?"

Paul took his supply.

"C'mon I'll give you a ride home Ava."

I nodded and made Joey and Liam give him his phone back then I followed him back to his car.


"Well, it's this one." I looked at my huge house and unbuckled my seatbelt.

"This is where you live? I thought you were poor." He looked at me in curiosity,

"Nah." I said getting out,

"Wait!" He yelled before I closed his cars door,

"Come to my party tonight Ava."

"Alright." I said slamming the door to his Audi.

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