Twenty Three

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The waiting room was cold and there I sat with his blood splattered over me. I constantly replayed the scene in my head over and over again.

The awful never ending scene.

My dad sat beside me, he went home to change and brought me clothes in a backpack, but I couldn't move, I felt like I was dead or something.

The rain hit the hospitals window gently, it seemed like hours since they took Alex from the ICU into surgery.

"Alexander Rogers?" A surgeon came in, I immediately sprung up.

"Come along, he's on the 19th floor."

Me and my dad followed the surgeon into an elevator, he opened up a file, "Alexander Rogers, age 18, mhmmm do you know where his parents are?" He asks,

"No." My dad replies.

"Okay then, Well patient files are confidential to only family members." He says, my face gets numb.

"Can we still see him? He is my daughters friend and we did bring him in after all." My dad said, his hands gripping at my shoulders.

"We're already on our way, might as well." The surgeon chuckled then silence fell upon us.

The elevator opened and we followed the surgeon into room 645 where Alex laid asleep in the hospital bed. I felt immense pressure on my head and began to feel light headed. The room was huge, dark and cold. It had its own waiting room, a flat screen and a huge window that substituted a wall.

I smelt of old blood. Nostalgic feelings rushed over me as I remembered my mom being in the hospital 24/7, I sat down on one of the upholstered chairs.

"Doctor why is he in a room like this?" My father asked.

"Well his parents we don't know where they are exactly but when we called their home a maid gave us a number and we called them and they said they'd stop by later, gave us their credit card information to pay for his care and for this room." He looked at his clipboard.

"Well I have to go but if they do show up let the nurse outside know and we'll tell them everything." He patted my dad on the back then left.

"Ava." My dad sat next to me.

"I think we should go, you look sick." He put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"No," I said quietly,"I won't leave someone I care about. "

"Ava let's go you're even paler than usual." He got up and gripped my arm.

"I'm not leaving him. He has no one with him and he needs someone to be here." My voice was firm and demanding.


"Just leave. That's all you know, all you do Is abandon people when they need someone so just go dad." I stand up,

"Don't talk to me like that." He looks down at me.

"Just leave dad. I'll see you later." I shove past him near Alex's bed.

"Fine." He says grabbing his umbrella and leaving.

I'm still covered in his blood so I wash up in the bathroom and put on the clothes my dad had brought. My mind felt more at ease but when I would look at Alex I'd feel empty.

His heart monitor would beep every ten seconds, and he'd lay so still as if he was dead, I sat beside him all night in a recliner. I can't lose someone else I care about.

I'd go fucking crazy.

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