Twenty Nine

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Saturday night, Stephanie's at my house zipping up my long white flowy like dress I bought from Charming Charlie's a week ago.

My hair is long and wavy, my makeup is impeccable, my heels are glamorous, and my mind set is dangerous.

"You look like a goddess." Stephanie tells me as we both examine ourselves in my mirror.

"That is the theme." I crack a smile.

I look at my best friend who's wearing a long dark red dress. She looks stunning in it.

"You sure you'll be okay tonight?" Stephanie asks when the doorbell rings.

"Yeah I'm not going to let a guy ruin my senior prom, fuck him."

"Ava!" My dad yells, "Eric's here to pick you two up!"

We both step out of my room and Eric looks at us, he mouths wow.

"Both of you look amazing." He compliments, Stephanie scoffs, "Yeah we know." She rolls her eyes.

"You look good too Eric." I say back to him.

The venue is huge and there are cars everywhere.

I take a deep breath as I walk into the venue. A huge chandelier hangs in the center of the room, chairs, tables, and students all about dancing to the DJ's music. The bass vibrates through my blood and I open my clutch, I pull out a baggy with a little colorful sheet inside it and place it on my tongue. I can taste the acid disintegrating in my mouth and traveling into my brain.


I move about happily, laughing, dancing, my mind in wonderland but my body at this God forsaken prom.

My flask is empty and I'm seeing colors, I miss this old me, drug dealer Ava who doesn't give two shits about anyone but her money.

"Ava," Stephanie pulls me away from dancing with a group, "He's here." She points at the doors direction, Alex stood talking to a group of people. I laughed and poked Stephanie in her collarbone,

"Fuck him I'm having fun." I turn back to dance but stumble a bit. I'm heavily intoxicated.

"Ava, dance with me." This boy says pulling me closer into him, our bodies are against each other dancing to the fast paced song, I'm positive I'm acting like a mess.

I look over to see Alex talking to some girl. I get jealous. He looks so handsome in a tuxedo. I push the guy off of me and sit down, burying my head into my hands.

I look up when the music stops, "Hey guys I'm your student body president Patty and I'm going to be announcing the prom queen and king this year!" Patty screams into the Mic sending people into an uproar of cheers.

"Will our nominees please come up on stage? Alana Cohen, Amber Martinez, Ava Daniels, Hector Hernandez, Zach Adams, and Alexander Rogers." The audience applauds and cheers. I watch as my classmates gather up on stage, everyone goes but me and Alex.

"Let's go." I look up and Alex is standing before me, he breathes above me like a demon.

"No." I reply,

"Fine." He walks off and ends up on stage, various whistles go throughout the room and Alex flashes a brilliant smile.

"Ava? I know I saw you dancing tonight! Get on up here!" Patty exclaims, the audience looks at me, I sigh and walk to the stage with everyone clapping.

"Okay guys, and your 2015 class King is Alexander Rogers!" I look down, the lights of the stage blind me but I hear cheering and clapping, my stomach begins to turn as the vodka and acid mix with the lunch I had earlier.

"And the queen for tonight was super duper close but congratulations to," Patty opened the envelope, I looked around in a state of panic, my throat was engulfed, "Amber Martinez!"

The chunks and pieces flew out of my mouth and onto the floor, "Shit." I heard Alex murmur and the students gasp, laugh, or make noises of disgust.

My balance was lost and I fell on the floor, the whole place fell silent, Alex helped me up,

"C'mon let's get out of here." He picks me up, I rest my head on his chest feeling sick and tired yet I inhale his cologne and feel secure.

I throw up again on his chest.

Before blacking out.

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