Twenty Two

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I replay last night in my head over and over again on the drive back home.

I don't know how to feel.

My dad can sense somethings wrong but he doesn't ask.

I lock myself in my room once I'm home.

I need Ashley badly.

I need my mom badly.

I want Alex badly.

My phone has notifications up the ass but I just clear them, I don't care for them.

I just relax in the bathtub and listen to The 1975,

"Ava your friend Alex is here, and I don't know just come see him quickly."

My eyes open up quickly as I try to dress myself.

I open my bedroom door, Alex looks a mess, he's bleeding slightly from his head and lips, he has bruises and fresh wound marks on his arms and neck.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I ask bringing him into my room and shutting the door.

"I got jumped by four guys." He holds his side and limps in, as he stands I begin to see blood dripping on my white carpet.

"Oh my god your bleeding from your stomach, I lift his shirt up to see a deep knife stab." I touch his forehead, he has a fever too, he's losing blood.

"Fuck Alex I have to call the police." I pick up my phone shaking.

"No don't." He falls over on my bed, shutting his eyes.

I grab my towel and press it against his wound and with my other hand I dial 911, Alex groans and my dad walks in,

"Hand me the phone Ava."

"Yes, I need an ambulance, right away, this kid has a deep stab wound, yes I know what to do, 5623 Inglewood Hills."

My dad tosses my phone on the ground, he moves me away from Alex and presses on his wound.

"Dad didn't you see it? How couldn't you have seen it?" I panic,

I can feel my chest getting heavy, I began hyperventilating and getting an anxiety attack, tears gather on my eyes and I feel like dying.

"I didn't Ava now get me another fucking rag, warm water and a gauze, hurry the hell up!"

I nod and run around the house to assemble everything I bring them to my dad and watch as Alex coughs up blood his eyes closing. I watch my dad throw water and apply pressure on the wound. I can't believe neither of us noticed he was dripping blood.

A loud knock is heard on the front I run to open it, I point in my bedrooms direction and paramedics rush in. I stay in the living room feeling as if I was in a dream I watch them carry Alex out.

"Come on baby." My dad grabs my hand and we go Inside the ambulance with Alex. The paramedics stabilizing him as he falls into shock and they try to stop the bleeding.

I bury my head into my dads chest and stay still, no tears or anything, just fear.

I could feel my dad stroking my hair, my heart throbbing.

I couldn't afford to lose someone else that I cared about, I'm sure I'd go insane.

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