Twenty Five

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I stare Into the hospital room through the small window. Alex's TV is on, I can only see his feet from the window. I sigh and walk in. He's writing in a notebook, he doesn't notice me right away. I look at him in guilt and I can begin to feel hatred for myself, I got him here in the first place.

"Hey." He says putting his pencil down, I put down the small bear I bought him at the gift shop on a end table.

"Hey." I say meekly, trying to keep myself from bursting into tears.

"What's wrong? Your mascaras is running." Alex states staring at me.

I repress my emotions and say, "How are you feeling?" I stroke my hair tips.

"Sore, bored, but at least I'm alive right?" He grins at me stupidly.

"Yeah." I twist my hair around my finger.

"Where did your parents go?" I ask,

"Back to a meeting." He closes the notebook.

I nod at him.

"Thanks." He looks at me,

"For?" I ask.

"My parents said you never left the hospital while I was asleep."

"I had to make sure you were alright after all..." I couldn't complete my thought because it began to hurt. Alex lifted his left eyebrow at me.

"You wanted to say something else, I know it." Alex moves around a bit in the bed.

"It's my fault you're here." I whisper,

"Uh no? I got jumped and stabbed by four guys." He states looking at me confused.

"No Alex, those guys work for my old boss."

"Who's your old boss?"

"A drug dealer."

"Of course." He smirks,

"This isn't something thats forgivable." I say sitting at the end of his bed,

"Not really." He keeps a huge grin on his face,

"Stop fucking smiling, you should hate me."

"I don't hate you Ava, in fact," he stops grinning, "Never mind I do hate you, you almost killed me."

"SHUT UP!" I cry out, the guilt bubbling in me.

"I'm joking!" He chuckles,

"It doesn't matter Alex, I almost got you killed." I say looking away, I couldn't face him directly.

"Ava shut up! I don't care! I forgive you." He deadpans.

I stay silent, I can tell he's looking at me, but I can't face him, he forgives me but I can never forgive myself. I almost lost someone else I loved.


"Ava, lay right beside me?" He asks, I shake my head and he sighs,

"1...2...3...4... Ava don't make me say it, 4 and a half....5." He chucks his pillow at my head, he grunts in pain and I can't help but laugh, he begins to laugh too.

"Get the fuck over here!" He tells me directly.

I give him my famous smile, my Ava smile and curl up next to him.

He places his arm under my head,

"This is the last place I'd ever expect to do this but Ava." he says looking away, I stare up at him, he looks at me and I blush at his brilliant self. Aside from being good looking something about this guy caught my attention, he isn't normal, he isn't sweet, he makes me laugh and blush without even trying.

"Ava, will you like be my girlfriend?" His face gets serious.

I feel hot in my face, I laugh a bit, "You literally just got stabbed and you're asking me this while you're on your possible death bed?"

"Yes or no, it's a simple question Ava." He gives me a boyish smirk.

"Yeah Alex, I'd like that."

"Good." He says,

"Good." I say back,

"Great." He says,

"Greater." I say back,

"Awesome." He says,

"Amazing." I say back,

"Shut up." He groans,

"You shut up." I say back,

"Fucking kiss me because if I move my stomach will rip open and you'll get Alex guts all over you."

I roll my eyes and gingerly kiss his lips,

"I hate you." I whisper shutting my eyes to nap.

"You're so annoying." He adds pinching my butt.

"You're in pain yet you still have the energy to be an asshole." I say and he laughs as he strokes my hair.

We end up falling asleep together.

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