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"What he's interested in you?" Ashley followed me to the front door stammering.

"We're just hanging out." I said looking at myself in the hallway mirror.

"But he thinks I'm cute so back off." Ashley said in a serious tone,

The doorbell rang and I felt myself getting worked up with excitement.

I opened the door and saw Alex standing there with a cigarette in his mouth.

He was wearing a windbreaker over a black t-shirt and black jeans.

He had a thin gold chain around his neck.

He lifted his brow, "You ready?"

I nodded my head.

I noticed he examined me head to toe as we walked to his car.

He drove a black 2013 Dodge Charger, his windows were tinted black, as were his back lights and rims.

He threw his cigarette down and stepped on it continuing to slam the car door.

"You look really beautiful." He said getting in,

"Thanks so do you." I giggled then stopped as he began to laugh,

"Um I meant cute," I tried to save myself,

"I understood Ava, don't get so worked up." He winked.

I rolled my eyes as we pulled up to a huge house.

A fucking house party.

I expected a romantic date with candles and shit.

But no he brought me to a fucking party.

He got out of his car and walked towards the house's entrance.

I was pissed.

The whole house smelt of cheap weed and booze, there was nothing but drunk people dancing or doing illegal stuff.

"Oh god." I grunted as a guy touched my shoulder then fell.

I decided to spend my night on the couch alone with people sleeping on my lap.

I ended up dozing off and woke up even angrier, I stood up to leave and went outside and began my journey home, walking in the cold.

"Ava!" Alex's voice pierced through my ears, but I acted as if I didn't hear him and continued walking.

"Ava." He gripped my arm tight and I tried to pull myself out of it but it was too strong of a grip I could already feel the bruise.

"Ow! You're hurting me." I yelled at him.

"Why'd you leave?" His voice was menacing and his grip got tighter making me groan.

"Because I was fucking bored." He let my arm go making it look flimsy as it fell back to my side.

"Thanks dick, I bruise fucking easily." My arm throbbed, Alex held up a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"C'mon." He said in his deep rich voice.

"Where are we?" I said as he guided me through a park with a bunch of trees, we walked for what seemed hours before we got to a small secret secluded area next to a frozen over lake. He sat on the floor and motioned me to sit next to him.

I raised my eyebrow up at him but gave in anyways.

He passed me the Jack and I drank from it, sweet liquor. I love it.

"I'm sorry for taking you to a party." Alex looked straight ahead.

"It's whatever." I replied taking another drink and giving him the bottle.

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