Thirty Five

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I woke up in the back seat, my arm had bandages and gauzes over it.

"You're awake." Alex said, he had a joint in his mouth.

"Yeah," I replied rigidly, "I'm not dead." I whispered.

"I thought you weren't going to make it." He said,
"I cried when you wouldn't wake up."

"How did you? How'd you do it?" I asked him.

"I read online on how to try to heal a bullet wound, luckily it was more of a graze." He said staring at the windshield.

"Any news?" I asked,

"Cops think it was a gang shooting. We can't go back though."

"I know," I said quietly, "Alex you can go back. I don't have too."

"I won't leave your side, ever. You're my girl and I love you more than you can imagine and I refuse to let go of someone I love."

I looked at him, a face of relief was written over his expression.

"I love you Alexander."

"I love you too Avangelina."

I laid back down.

"I need to call everyone and tell them a huge lie or something."

I turned on my phone.

Dialed my dad first.


"Princess! Where are you? You have me worried sick you didn't tell me you were going to be out all night."

"Dad, I'm sorry but me and Alex decided to get married."

"Wait what? What about Berkley!? Stanford!?" He exclaimed, I sighed,

"I'll see you soon dad, tell Ashley I'm sorry."

I hung up, next was Stephanie.

"Hello?" Her voice was groggy,


"Ava it's six in the morning what the fuck."

"Steph I love you."

"What the fuck are you talking about."

"Thanks for being there half of my life."

"Whatever, goodnight Ava." She hung up, I smiled and looked at Eric's contact.

I dialed him and he immediately picked up.

"Ava! Where are you? Are you okay? The party got crazy. Please tell me you're okay."

"I'm fine." My voice cracked,

"What's wrong?"

"I just wanted to say goodbye, me and Alex ran off to get married."

Eric was silent.

I looked at Alex who had his head leaned against his window as if he was asleep.

The silence was everywhere.

"Ava," Eric's voice was sweet.

"I wish both of you good luck, I really do."

I cracked a small smile although tears stained my cheeks.

"I love you Ava, you're my best friend and I just want the best for you."

Suddenly flashbacks since we were kids went through my head,

"Take care Ava."

"Take care Eric." I hung up on him and looked at my sleeping boyfriend.

I passed myself to the front seat, my arm limpy hanging on my side with some feeling.

"You done calling everyone?" He suddenly asked.

"Yeah, you?" I asked him and he looked at me a small smirk on his devilish face.

"I don't need anyone but you, everyone else sucked." He holds my hand. He strokes it and kisses me. I savor it.

We stare off at the forest in front of us.

"Babe, where are we exactly?" I ask him.

"I don't know but we're going to Toronto."



"What are we going to do there?"

"I don't know use our scholarships go to the university, live on campus?"

"We have no money."

"My parents texted me saying they left me $8,000 in my account for graduation."

I smiled at him, he stroked my cheek.

"Wait I got something." He reached under his seat and pulled out a bottle of Jack.

"Come on." He motioned opening his car door at the rest stop.

With my normal arm I opened my door and got out and rushed to him. He scooped me up and kissed me,

"I love you Ava."

"I love you Alex."

He put me down and handed me the bottle of Hennessey I drank until the back of my throat burned and I felt happy again.

Alex extended his arm to me and we held hands.

My Hennessey on one side and Alex on the other.

Pure bliss.

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