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"She's awake." My dads voice was soft, I looked about the pale blue room, my vision blurred then focused. I lay in a comfortable bed with IV's in my arm supplying me with blood and the other with water.

I had a sharp pain in my stomach, sharper than most.

"Baby." My dad wrapped his arms around my neck and sobbed. Yet I felt empty. I didn't feel my arms or legs, or heart for the matter.

"Oh my god you fucking idiot." Stephanie's voice pierced my ears before I had her sobbing at my feet.

"You're so fucking stupid Ava." I looked at her as she sobbed uncontrollably.

"I love you don't fucking scare me again." She yelled, rushing towards me she kissed my cheek and held on. My dad had tears on his cheek as he watched.

"Ava." Alex came in, he looked like a mess, his hair was undone and he had a purple eye with stitches that ran from his mouth to his lower chin.

"How long have I been?" I asked,

"Just a few days," my dad began, "Alex here hasn't gone home whatsoever."

"Aww thanks guys." I said softly looking mostly at Stephanie, she had a sad smile on her face,

"I tried to stay too Ava, but my parents heard about the drugs and didn't want me seeing you." She twisted her fingers.

"It's okay Steph." I smiled at her.

"Oh Ava, no it isn't, you're on suicide watch." A doctor came in.

"Why?" I asked astonished.

"You took 8 pills of oxycodone, it's a miracle you're even alive."


"Yes I'll come back later to check on you and give you more information." The doctor left.

"I want food dad." I looked at him,

"You have a tray right there."

I looked at the hospitals tray and made a face of disgust,

"I want a huge ass whopper from Burger King dad, please?" I begged and he smiled,

"That's my girl, c'mon Steph I'll buy you something too, how about you Alex?"

Max shook his head, "I'm fine, thanks."

"Alright be back in a bit honey." My dad kissed my forehead then he and Stephanie disappeared out the door.

The silence engulfed me and Alex before I started laughing.

"What's so funny?" He grinned,

"You caught me fucking my best friend."

He stopped laughing, "Yeah, I know."

"You really stayed here and waited for me to wake up?"


"Thanks Alex, that's really sweet of you."

"I was worried Ava."

"Worried about what?" I sat up, then Alex sat at the edge of my bed his back towards me.

"Worried you were going to die." He gripped the bed sheet tightly in his hand.

"Oh." I replied,

"Alex, I appreciate you being here and all but won't your girlfriend get mad?"

"She dumped me."

"What? Why?"

"She was mad I wouldn't leave your side, she said it was either her or you."

My face felt numb. Stupidly numb.

"You picked me?" I laid back.


I stayed silent for the longest, thinking, hurting, feeling so stupid.

"I'm sorry." My voice cracked a bit.

"Don't be, I'd pick you over anyone honestly." He looked at me, I felt so bad about breaking them up.

"I'll just go now Ava." He stood up, kissed me lightly on my forehead then left.

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