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"So Eric left me like 30 voicemails." I told Stephanie who was slurping down her strawberry smoothie.

"Aw that's so cute." She said in between slurps.

"No it isn't Steph, you know I don't like him like that." I sighed heavily giving her a pout, she rolled her eyes.

"Look Ava, I don't know why you're so scared to be in another relationship."

I raised my eyebrow, "Relationships are bullshit."

"Okay you have to learn how to live. You and Daniel broke up a year ago. And who was there? Me and Eric but who stayed with you while I was on my summer vacation in Tahoe? Eric. That boy adores you and you're too self centered to see it." Her voice was agitated.

I gave her a blank expression.

"No you're wrong Steph, I love Eric as my friend nothing else." I hated when she pushed things on me, especially relationships.

Speaking of the Devil, Eric was approaching.

I looked at Stephanie giving her a pleading look and she began to laugh to herself. I rolled my eyes,

"Hey Steph, Hey Ava." Eric pulled a chair from another table and sat next to me.

"Want some?" I asked handing him my smoothie, he shook his head,

"I called you last night." He said keeping Stephanie laughing hysterically, I eyed her and she tried to stop but ended up laughing again.

"I know, I was asleep Eric, my bad." I gave him a half smile and he nodded,

"Oh yeah well I just called to say I had a good time with you last night." He leaned in closer, I tensed a bit, fuck he caught more feelings or I don't know, I do not like him, how do I tell him, I kinda moved away from him but he got closer, Stephanie hit my hand.

"Hey isn't that Alex Rogers?" She asked as I looked in the direction she was staring at, I melted suddenly, I stared hard at the real devil.

He was wearing a leather jacket over a white T-shirt and dark black jeans. Fuck me.


"He's so freaking hot." Stephanie whispered swiping my smoothie.

"Don't you think?" She asked,

"He's not even good looking." Eric scoffed and I smiled,

"He's alright." I commented rubbing on my arm.

I looked back at him catching a glimpse he was alone, and he had a stern look on his face.

I looked at him again, fuck I couldn't help it.

No ones drawn my attention like this in a while.

My phone buzzed.

It was Carlos. The guy who sold me everything and everything meaning narcotics.

If people thought I had a lot of drugs no, Carlos was a infamous drug dealer here in this shit hole of a town and he hooked it up fat and cheap for me all because he thought I had 'potential.'

Fuck potential.

He had new supply for me if I came down later today, obviously I would.

Eric suddenly slapped my face and laughed,

"What the hell dude don't touch me."

His face became serious,

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that I meant it as in you were zoning out so I had to bring you back to reality." It was a light hit a playful one if you will, but I just hate being touched unexpectedly.

Don't touch me, my money, my phone, or my hair.

"I think he's coming to buy from you." Steph said licking her lips sexually, I looked at Alex coming.

He had a mischievous look on his face, he was just so good looking, our eyes met and I quickly looked in another direction,
"Ava." His voice was seductive, firm and deep.

I looked at him and lifted my right eyebrow, "What do you need?" I asked.

"Down girl." He laughed pulling a chair from another seat and also sitting beside me.



Once again Stephanie started laughing.

"Alex these are my friends, Eric and Stephanie." Stephanie waved a bit and Eric stayed silent.

"Oh I think I have Eric in weight training, right?" Alex pointed at him and Eric nodded quickly.

"Cool so hey, my bad for waking you up last night." He apologized for the night before.

Eric shot a look at me, fuck I told him I was asleep.

"Like I said money never sleeps."

My phone suddenly buzzed, it was Carlos he wanted me now.

"Fuck I'm out guys, see you guys later." I quickly got up and walked towards the malls nearest exit, I'd guess I'd have to catch the bus there, total bullshit.

"Ava, hold up." I rolled my eyes, Alex.

"Where are you going?" His dark eyes locked onto mine,

"Pick up some supply."

"You're going to take a bus too and from a dealers with a bag filled with so much shit in it that if you lost it you'd be out 3 grand?" He leaned against the bus stop.

I looked around and nodded my head with pride, although he was right.

"Where is it?" His eyes got darker as he looked down at me.

"Paradise Hills."

"The rich houses?"


"C'mon I'll take you."


"Ava c'mon."


"Why are you such an asshole?"

"Why are you nice to only me?" I stood up, although he was like 737929392 feet taller than me.

"What?" He walked close enough that I could feel the heat of his breath.

"I've heard about you, I know you're a player a bad boy but I'm going to tell you something right now Alex, your nice boy act isn't going to work on me." I crossed my arms defiantly.

"All I did was offer you a fucking ride I didn't ask to fuck you, damn you're so fucking self centered."
He walked closer and closer to me, I walked back with every step he took until I collided with the bus stops wall.
He smirked, I felt chills in my body, I was scared but then I wasn't.

He leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Princess." He bit his lip, staring at me.
My heart pounded and pounded, he pushed my hair back then without another word walked away, I sunk to the floor and watched as he disappeared into the distance.

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