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"Congrats Ava, you're at the top, the class valedictorian again." Mr.Hart shakes my hand and then dismisses me.

I wander the campus alone during lunch time.

I've been back at school for only a month now and everything seems to have changed. Alex avoids me, Stephanie is being home schooled now, and Eric isn't allowed to talk to me by his girlfriend. Apparently every one found out that we got caught fucking in the library.

"Hey Ava, thinking about being prom queen this year?" I turn around as Leah Sanders and Dory Tris call out to me in unison, their both putting up posters on the gym.

"Not running for anything this year." I smile at them,

"Well you should, you always win." Leah smiles at me,

"Thanks guys." I smile back but continue walking.

I notice Eric and his girlfriend laying down by a small tree laughing. I giggle to myself.

I destroyed her trust in him.

"Ava." Jimmy Espinosa walks towards me, he smiles.

"Damn girl long time no see." He pulls me into a hug.

"Yeah I've been dealing with things." I say crossing my arms, the wind blowing my hair into my face.

"You wanna sit with us?" He points to his lunch table filled with the most superficial people at this school.

"No thanks Jimmy, I'll see you later." I continue walking until I bump into someone.

"Watch it." Alex turns around, "Oh sorry Ava." His tone changes.

"My bad." I say quietly.

"Wait Ava."

I walk faster.

"Ava wait."

"No no more Ava fucking wait what the fuck do you think this is Alex? A fucking love story? A fucking movie? No I'm a real fucking girl with real fucking problems and real fucking feelings."

"Ava just hear me out please."

"Oh my fucking god, what Alex? Wanna lead me on some more?" I say sarcastically.

"Ava quit it." His voice was menacing.

"Alex I like you okay? I like you a fucking lot." I tell him.

"Ava I like you too believe me, seeing you with Eric fucked me up so much." He licks his lips, "Seeing you laying in a hospital bed unconscious fucked me up."

"I was vulnerable and sex filled the void." I admitted to him.

"Ava I've liked you since the first time I laid my eyes on you. I liked you even more since we actually spoke. You're fucking gorgeous."

I scoff at him,

"Oh so it's just about looks?" I ask him.

"No Ava, truthfully, your looks were a huge fucking bonus. But when we started talking I fell in love with your personality. Swear you could of been obese, a midget, blind, and I still would of fell for you, and thats what happened Ava, I fell for you but I didn't want you to know you had power over me because you're so strong. I break hearts Ava I don't get my heart broken, and if I ever let you in then I knew you'd break my heart terribly, but that's what happened when I saw you with Eric it tore me apart and when you overdosed I felt like my life was falling apart because if something would of happened to you my heart would of been broken indefinitely." He gestured a lot, slicking his hair back constantly.

"So? You want me to fucking fall for you?" I grin up at him in disbelief, his face looking menacingly down at me.

"You fucking hurt me first Alex. Fuck your little cat and mouse game." I flip him off and walk away slowly as if the confrontation didn't destroy me.

"Ava!" He yelled for me, followed by a few swear words.

I ended up walking out of school and waited at the bus stop as the warm spring winds swayed my hair around recklessly and the floral scent danced about my melancholy mood.

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