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"Are you sure I look cute?" Stephanie asked hiking her tight magenta skirt higher up.

"Yeah but it's really cold." I said lacing up my black boots.

"I gotta get laid." She adjusted her crop top to expose her belly button.

"You're such a whore." I said looking in the mirror.

"Dick too bomb." She laughed making me roll my eyes.

Paul's house was filled with people.

The strobe lights flashed on and off repeatedly as me and Steph approached Paul's huge house that was crowded with teenagers.

Me and Stephanie giggled as we noticed some cute guys staring at us.

We walked into to music filled house and immediately Paul greeted us with shots of vodka then in less than 5 minutes, Stephanie was drinking from a kegs tap making people chant for her, I laughed as I felt myself being whisked away, the lights wouldn't allow me to see the person but the hand was roughly familiar, next thing you know I'm in a quite dark room.

The lights turn on and it's Eric.

"Whatsup?" I smiled at him removing my coat and throwing it onto a couch.

Eric looked at me blushing a bit,

"I just had to see you."

I looked at the ground and back at him trying to get away,
"It's a party dude, c'mon."

I quickly exited the office and allowed myself to get lost in a huge crowd of dancing, drunk and hallucinative teenagers.

Two hours into the party, I was an incoherent drunk mess who was missing my t-shirt and partying in my bra, my friend Flora took me upstairs and left me alone in a huge room where I laid down on a large king sized bed giggling to myself then eventually falling asleep which allowed myself to sober up a bit.

I was wrapped In the warm satin sheets when the lights came on.


"Ava are you okay?"

He closed the door and sat beside me,

"You should leave me alone." I replied irritated by his presence.

"Why? Ava," he paused as he put his hand on top of mine and gripped it tighter than ever, "Ava I love you."

His words flowed out quickly, and swiftly making me cringe.

"Eric, you're just..." my words were going to be heartbreaking so I just smiled at him,

"Thanks." I placed my hand on his face.

He stayed silent as I leaned against him, my head on his shoulder.

I shut my eyes as he embraced me.

I felt warm, but cold, even empty.

Maybe it was the liquor, or the emptiness of my heart.

I felt alone.

Eric made me feel so lonely as if I needed someone to complete me.

Maybe I did.

Eric looked at me, long, I looked at him as his eyes switched from my eyes to my lips.

Why did I want to do this?

Was I just drunk?

I wasn't sober nor drunk.

I needed to indulge in something.

I needed affection, love, anything to fill this empty void in me.

I looked at his lips too, and we slowly leaned into each other, our lips tenderly touched, his lips were cold but soft they moved in perfect synchronization with each other.

He quickly pulled away and took his shirt off handing it to me, I looked at him puzzled then took it and put it on,

I kissed his neck and sat on him wrapping my legs around him, he barely moved as I unbuckled his pants,

"Ava," his breath became heavy,

I kissed him hard,

"Ava you're drunk." He pushed me off,

"So? Just, just," I paused as he buckled his pants,

"Eric don't, don't leave." I said feeling myself quiver, I just craved attention in the moment.

My tears became heavier and constant. Eric sighed and pulled me to him,

"C'mon lets just go to sleep." We laid down and I snuggled by him to his warmth, he wrapped his arms around me then kissed my forehead as I drifted to sleep in his arms.


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