Thirty Three

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"Baby we have no other choice." He whispered at me,

"Alex, I seriously don't want you to fuck your life up over me."

"I don't care we can fuck our lives up together." He kissed me, I didn't return it, he kissed me again but I just stared at him. He sighed then turned over on the bed. I stayed in between him and Ashley they both snored lightly.

Alex left that morning.

I showered. Ate. Got ready. The cap and gown fit perfectly, I went over my speech in the mirror practicing every single line to perfection. Miss valedictorian.

"You look beautiful." Ashley complimented me as she fixed my dads tie.

"You really do sweetheart." My dad kissed my forehead, I grinned.

The doorbell rang and Alex walked in, he wore his cap and gown too, he gave it this manly scary look.

"Aww! Let me take pictures!" Ashely giggled and we began posing side by side smiling, kissing, my dad took a picture with me, then Alex took a picture of me, Ashley, and my dad took pictures with me only for me to realize they were the only family left.

"Are your parents coming?" My dad asked Alex as we went into the parking lot.

"Yeah they said they'd meet me there, I just came to pick up Ava." My dad nodded and got in his Cadillac alone, me and Ashley got into Alex's charger. On the drive to the stadium my mind was resting until I got a text from Carlos,

"Tonight we will find you and you better have the money." I didn't show Alex the text.

At the stadium I looked around seeing all my friends and acquaintances enter the building from the back. My dad, Steph, and Ashley separated from the graduates and walked into the audience seating. Alex and I walked into the back room together. My friends were all excited to be graduating.

"There she is miss valedictorian." Eric shouted and everyone cheered. He came up to me and hugged me, Alex wandered off probably irritated.

"He hates you." I say and we both laughed.

"You look beautiful Ava, I know you're going to be great." He gripped my shoulders.

"Thanks Eric, I love you." I hugged him again.

"Positions everyone! We're about to go on!" Mr.Gross screamed at everyone as we all got into ABC order.

I was behind Eric because his last name was Dane and mine was Daniels.

We walked out of the small room, me and all of my class into the waiting stadium where hundreds of people sat cheering for us. The class of 2015.

In the back of my mind all I could think about was the possibility of me being dead later tonight.

I sat in my seat as the ceremony proceeded. The names were called out and I received my diploma along with honors rewards. Then it was my turn to speak.

"And now the 2015 class valedictorian for Richland High School, Ms. Avangelina Daniels!" Mr.Hart announced, the crowd clapped and my classmates even shouted, I made my way up the stage confidently and stood at the wooden podium, my speech was on it, I didn't need it.

The stadium fell silent and I began,

"It is both an honor and a privilege to be up here today and to be speaking on the behalf of my class, I worked so hard to be their valedictorian because I care about them, those young individuals down their are all unique and amazing people who have been blessed. We have all had a crazy journey these past four years whether it was personally, socially, or academically but look at us. We made it. I fought for this spot, I studied like psycho crazy everyday since I was a child, I even fought with my boyfriend for the number one spot," the audience laughed a bit before quieting down again, "I'm proud to say I'm graduating with these amazing people and I also believe that you can do anything you set your mind too, we are the future of a new generation, and you will all go far in life." Everyone cheered and clapped, "Now you know what to do!" I yelled and moved the string of my cap to the other side. So did my classmates. I felt a sudden urge of joy.

Outside we all said our final goodbyes to one another but not before tonight's party.

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