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I woke up, not in my bed though, I sit up in confusion and look around,

"Holy shit." I say once my eyes fall on Alex who's asleep next to me.

"Wake up." I smack him on his bare back.

"What the fuck was that for?" He groans into his pillow.

"For taking advantage of me while I was incoherent." I get up, I'm dressed in one of his t-shirts and the spandex I had under my dress last night.

"No one took advantage of you." He shifts himself in his bed, this time his gorgeous face facing me.

"Oh yeah? Says the guy who undressed me while I was unconscious." I pick up my dress and notice the brown vomit stain,

"What the fuck? You really believe I would do something to you while you were unconscious? Ava that would be rape what the fuck is wrong with you?" He sits up, I cross my arms and lift my right eyebrow up, I hold back a smile because he always looks so adorable when he barely wakes up.

"Okay yeah I took your dress off and put one of my shirts on you but I did that so you'd be comfortable, so instead of being a bitch about it why don't you thank me for bringing you home, taking care of you, and letting you sleep." He lays back down and pulls the cover over his torso and faces away from me towards his wall.

"You're right, you're right," I sigh, "I'm sorry." I apologize as I sit next to him on his bed.

"Okay then, now say I'm the best boyfriend ever." He turns again with a wild smirk on his face,

"You're not my boyfriend. We broke up."

"No we didn't." He muses,

"Yes we did."

"Ava no we fucking didn't now shut the fuck up you're my girlfriend and I love you, goodnight babe." He turns in bed and faces the other way again,

"Fuck you Alex." I lay down and try to wrap my arms around him but his shoulders and chest are too broad.

"Babe?" He asks after a short while of us laying in the dark.


"I love you." He finally says, I shut my eyes and whisper, "I love you too."

He holds my hand so tightly as we run around the foreign towns mall.

He pins me against the wall of a tattoo shop.

"Ready?" He asks, his face only centimeters away from mine.

I kiss his succulent lips tasting the Hennessey we were drinking, he always tasted like liquor and I loved it.

"Ready." I say staring into his dark glimmering eyes.

The tattoo shop smells like alcohol and weed, the walls are a wicked red and are surrounded by tattoo samples.

"We don't have appointments but it'll be quick." Alex says pulling out a stack of cash.

The buff scary guy behind the counter smiles.

"Arnold," The scary guy yells out into a dark hallway. I grip my boyfriends arm tight.

"These kids want tattoos, and big boy just laid down $400 dollars." The scary guy yells into the hallway, momentarily an old man comes out. He has tattoos everywhere too. His body Is a beautiful canvas.

"I'm game, who's first?" The old man says.

"She is." Alex tells him.

"Come on sweetie." Arnold motions for me to follow him as he walks down a dark corridor.

"Come on babe." Alex holds my hand tight and follows the guy into a room.

The room is big and black with art and designs all over the wall, mostly of skulls and naked women.

"Sit down." I sit down in a black leaned back chair.

"What do you want exactly?" Arnold asks getting out the gun and cleaning it.

"I want my moms name in black bold script on my inner wrist." I tell him, I stare at the old mans face that also has a few tattoos on it.


"Her name was Evangelina."

He begins to prepare everything in front of me. He disinfects my wrist. Alex stands beside me and holds my right hand, Arnold's needle approaches my left wrist and I shut my eyes as the needle begins piercing through my skin, in out, in out. The pain is lovely.

Before I knew it the tattoo was over in around 20 minutes, "You bled a lot for just a small tattoo." Arnold says looking at me, I smile at him as he puts wax on it. It's beautifully done, the cursive Is so neat. He then covers it with a bandage and stops me from beholding my new art.

After preparing again for the next tattoo Alex is up. It seems to take hours for Arnold to finish a rosary around his hand.

"Next time don't drink before a tattoo." Arnold says as me and Alex leave his shop.

Both are hands throbbing as we sit in the back seat of his car eating skittles, drinking, and smoking weed. Our minds are elsewhere.

"I like your tattoo." He snickers, I laugh too, he kisses me tenderly on my lips, he pulls away slowly and I pull him back in, kissing him hardly.

"I'll always love you Ava." He says in between kisses, he works his way down my neck then chest. Eventually we get too lost in it.

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