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"Carlos I want out." I toss him a few g's and a bag of ecstasy.

"You want out chikitita?" He asks rubbing his head, the half naked woman beside him sat on his lap.

"Yes." I reply crossing my arms,

"It's not so easy amor." He looks at the rubber band wrapped around the money.

"Why not, I've made you rich." I say raising my eyebrow.

"Because you're my top seller, and I want you Ava, I want you to come with me to Los Angeles."

"Get someone else then."

"I can't."

"Oh that reminds me," I dig in my backpack then pull out my 9mm glock and place it on his table, "There you go."

I say wiping it with a hand wipe to get rid of my finger prints.

Carlos smiles at me.

"It's not that easy to get out Ava." He grins,

The girl grins at me too.

"Bye." I say as I begin to walk out.

"See you real soon Ava."

"So you're out?" Eric asks me as I reach the bottom of the hill.

"Not really." I say crossing my arms.

"I thought he liked you?" Eric says in confusion I chuckle at him, I stop walking and look dead at him.

"He likes money more."

I sat alone in my room.

My mother in my mind, she never knew what I did.

My mother never knew I was a fucking drug dealer.

She would've been so disappointed.

I felt like she died in vein.

My thoughts were broken when someone knocked on my door.

"Can I come in?" My father asked from the other side of the room.

"Sure." I replied sitting up, I clapped my hands together and the lights to my room turned on as my dad walked in, he had a bowl of ice cream in his hand, he gave me a cheeky smile and I gave him a dead face and extended my arms to receive the ice cream.

He handed me the bowl and sat next to me.

I ate in silence as he was watching me, I looked at him and with a mouthful muffled a "What?" to him.

He laughed softly, "You look so much like your mother."

"Don't mention her."

"Why not?" He asked, I began getting annoyed.

"You never loved her."

"Oh what would you know?"

"I would know enough that you didn't even bother to physically interact with us after everything was said and done."

"She cheated on me, I looked like her idiot."

"You wouldn't have looked like an idiot if you came around for just me."

"I called and sent money Ava."

"Yeah? Calls and money don't exactly makeup for a father's love." I stuffed more ice cream into my mouth.

"Ava, you know your mother didn't want me around you or Ashley."

"Don't talk about Ashley either."

"Ava just quit it." He groaned,

"You hurt us, you just abandoned us and you hurt Ashley the most."

"Ava I thought you got over this."

"I haven't seen or talked to her in months dad."

"Your mom or Ashley?"


"And what should we do?" He said placing his arm around me and pulling me in towards him.

"I want to see her."

Little Miss Drug DealerWhere stories live. Discover now