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"I did end up getting laid." Stephanie stuffed a French fry into her mouth.

"Oh god you're such a whore." I sighed,

"What's up your crotch?" Stephanie gave me a sour face.

"Fuck off." I got up and walked away to find Alex before Mr.Gross's class.

I searched and searched, maybe he didn't even come to school.

Yet I saw his car pulling up into the parking lot earlier.

He hung out with a few people, I don't know maybe I'll find one of them.

Checking near his lockers.

A familiar body walked by me,

"Darren!" I clutched his arm, he looked at me in confusion.


"Where's Alex?"

"I don't know."

"Then give me a hint to where he might be."

"Um," he stayed silent for a few seconds, "Okay he's either sitting with Ricky and his friends, in the office, detention, or the library." Darren gave me a small smile.

"Thanks." I quickly strolled away to find Alex.

He wasn't with Ricky, he wasn't in the office, he wasn't in detention.

So maybe, just maybe, he's was in the library.

I laughed at the thought of him in the library.

Out of everywhere someone like him could be why the library?

The library seemed empty.

With only the librarian asleep at her computer.

I wandered in quietly and swiftly through the aisles, what the heck was I doing here? Surely Alex wasn't in here.

I was about to give up when, I heard a faint laugh.

I slowly walked to the back of the library, and there he was sitting on a beanbag reading, his legs sprawled and "Twilight" in his hands.

"Oh my god!" I let a quiet giggle out, he quickly tossed it out of sight.

"Hey." He looked at me but all I could do was laugh at him.

"Twilight?" I chuckled a bit more,

"Yeah, it's getting pretty intense." He flashed a smile of embarrassment.

"Woah big tough guy like you ashamed of his 'Twilight' book?" I sat next to him on the bean bag.

He smiled at me, I was continuously blushing.

"Hey Alex, I'm sorry for what my friend did last night."

"The only thing that pissed me off was the fact that he touched my car, I swear I would of fucked him up."

I rolled my eyes at him and sighed.

A long comfortable silence fell between us.

"Ava, just don't get the idea that I like you like that." The words stabbed me like a knife.

I laughed, a fake laugh to hide my embarrassment.

He stood up and held his hand out to help me, I refused and got up alone, he scratched the back of his head.

"You're funny," I finally said, "Alex even if you did like me believe me I wouldn't like you back." I looked at the floor and rubbed the navy blue carpet with my shoe.

I could here him scoff,

I looked back up at Alex who was staring at me intensely, his eyes were dark, like his secrets. His cologne swept me up and set me down with the scent of it alone, he got closer and closer to me until my body was up against a book shelf he slowly continued to corner me, he placed his left hand above me, and with his right hand he caressed my face.

My heart was pumping with fear and lust empowering it.

He ran his hands down to my waist and tightly squeezed my hips with both hands while he hovered around my neck the feel of his warm breath gave me chills.

Our eyes met and he roughly yet gently pushed me away from him, I finally allowed myself to breathe and relax.

"Ava, you don't want me to make you fall for me." He smirked, collected his books and left.

I sat on the floor confused.

"Ava let me walk you home." Eric grabbed my textbook from my arms, I smiled at him and continued walking.

"Have you forgiven me yet?" He gave me a innocent look.

"Yeah." I replied. There was no reason to be mad at Eric.

After all he was just trying to talk to me.

"Actually I'm gonna go sell some stuff by the mall." I took my book back.

"Oh, well I'll see you later then?" We both stopped and he kissed my forehead and ran back towards the schools direction.

I took a visible spot by the water fountain and saw a lot of clientele I've had.

This one guy handed me a $100 bill for a gram of kush, it was probably a mistake but whatever.

Business was booming and no one was suspicious of the short girl reading a book and drinking Starbucks buy a water fountain.

Everything was going well then Ashley's call came along and stopped my world and shattered my current reality.

"Ava? It's mom, she's in the hospital." Ashley hung up, and I ran without hesitation.

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