Thirty Four

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I couldn't enjoy myself.

The night was getting heavy for me.

I would be dead in a few hours.

Alex never left my side.

"I'll protect you." He would murmur in my ear constantly.

I couldn't take it anymore, I went far away outside of the house parties backyard. Alex followed me.

"I'm going to die."

"No you're not I have a plan."

We discussed and discussed.

Alex left and took Ashley home, I then went inside to the party and stood in the middle of fhe crowded living room waiting.

"Ava." His voice was chilling?, "Do you have my money?"

"No." I replied,

"Oooohh Ava, I don't like that answer, my man is watching you right now, he can shoot you right now if I tell him to." He boasted.

"Then do it." I replied to him and hung up.

I waited and waited.

I looked about and suddenly a guy from a distance pulled out a gun, people ran once they saw it and even screamed.




Three bullets. The blood gushed everywhere and I began to feel light headed as I soaked up the pain. The guy left the scene and the room was empty but another guy who was screaming about being hit in the leg.
A while after Sirens in the distance brought me back to action. My arm hung limply at my side bleeding as I ran through the back into the alley. My arm pulsated badly, I could feel my endorphins running out causing the pain to peak at its highest level and then numbing itself. I didn't cry, I knew I would be okay if the plan worked.

Red and blue lights flashed down one street causing me to run to the other side, but then more blue and red lights. The sirens felt like they were closing in on me. I jumped through a few backyards to get far enough and then hid in an alley.

I eventually called Alex who was on his way. I grabbed my arm and the blood was still fresh along with the bullet wound.

I ran to the street where I saw his car approaching, he opened the door and I hurled in.

He did a U-turn then drove fast away from the area, taking every shortcut he could find.

I smirked in relief.

"Ava stay with me okay?" He screamed as I began to feel light headed, he pressed at the wound with his own shirt, watched the road, then watched me, a bright light shun everywhere. I could see him but not hear him, I coughed up blood then blacked out.


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