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I walked alone to the park, letting the light snow hit me on my face, it was nice weather, I loved the cold so much, I felt like the queen of Michigan at times.

Where the fuck was Darren? He said he'd meet me here. I sat down at a bench underneath a canopy and put my earphones in, looking around the park to see if I could see him.

I was about to give up when I saw him and a few guys coming, and by a few I mean like four.

I had my switch blade in my pocket, I could pull it out quick and I could use it quick, I could take all of them out in a flash. My cockiness level is so unreal.

"Hey Ava." Only Darren approached me, "Why'd you bring like four other guys with you?" I asked leaning a bit on my right leg,

"Well it was just supposed to be me and my friend Alex but I guess his friends tagged along, my bad." He apologized but in a sarcastic tone.


"Well, I need some weed."

"How much?"

"Well I got $50 to spend." He pulled out a Spider-Man themed wallet.

"No I mean a gram, an eighth?" I smacked him on the arm, he grunted.

"Give me an eighth."

I quickly pulled out the small bag, his palm was stretched out just waiting for it, I snatched it back up in my hand and clenched it tight,

"Money first, you know this."

He grunted and handed me the money, I counted, $45 even. I returned him a $5.

"See ya." I said putting my left earphone in, "Wait no my friend Alex wanted to buy something from you I don't know what." He gripped my arm lightly and I pulled it back,

"Fine, he better make it fucking quick." Darren waved at the group of guys, I looked around making sure we were still alone at the park.

I looked back up to see a tall, handsome guy walking towards us, his cheekbones were high and his jaw was sharp and chiseled, his eyes were dark like a demons, he had a cigarette in his mouth hanging loosely from his plump lips and a cold lifeless gaze that sent chills up my spine.

"Sup." his voice was deep, I looked away quickly trying to snap out of my daze,

"Hey," I said trying to sound cool even though I knew I sounded like a complete dumb ass, I touched my forehead, "Sorry, uh, can I help you?"

I could feel myself getting red from embarrassment,

"Yeah actually I need a $20 gram." He pulled out the bill and handed it to me, I quickly found the bag of weed and handed it to him,

"Thanks." He murmured turning on his heel to leave, I nodded my head and walked away as well.


It was late, I tried to close the door to my house without waking my mom but I did, her frail thin body slowly walked out of her room, "You're late Ava." She leaned against the doorway,

"Works hectic Ma." I replied taking my scarf then coat off,

"Oh, you hungry? Ashley made spaghetti." She tried walking to the kitchen but stumbled a bit, I ran to her as she held herself up with the wall, she made small noises,

"Mom let's go back to your room." I picked her up gently from the floor and walked her, her health was rapidly deteriorating, the once 180 pound woman was now a 90 pound stick, she smelt like death and medicine.

We slowly made our way to her room, I laid her down on her bed and tucked her in again, she shut her eyes and without saying goodnight, I kissed her forehead then turned on the heater in her room before leaving.

"Fuck." Tears began rolling down my face when I shut the door, I wiped them harshly as Ashley came around the corner,

"Hey." She whispered.

I can't let my little sister see me cry, I quickly straightened up, "Hey Ash." I said walking past her,

"Mom started coughing up blood today." She said silently.

I looked back to stare at my little sister, we both accepted the fact that our mom was dying, we both knew she was going to be gone some time soon, the doctor had given her six months and that was six months ago.

I sighed,

Once my mom died my sister would go straight to live with her dad and I'd go live with my dad.
We'd be separated.
She was 15 and in about a few months I'd be 18 but she was tougher than me, mentally of course.

I just had this tough girl I don't give a fuck about anything exterior but on the inside I was just a scared kid with no idea on how to survive without my mother.

"C'mon Ash it's late, go to bed." I pointed at the stairs and she quickly disappeared up them.

I went up to my room as well and laid on my stomach to count my money and to count the rest of my supply.

Little Miss Drug DealerWhere stories live. Discover now