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I left without a word to Eric who was heavily asleep on the messy bed.

The house was dirty and people lied sprawled on the floor.

I walked home in the cold, my phone said 42 degrees Fahrenheit.

Fuck me.

My head was throbbing not from a hangover but from confusion.

I lost my blouse and coat and I was wearing Eric's shirt.

"You're late where were you? You had me worried sick." My moms frail yet firm voice was heard from a distance.

"Drunk." I replied honestly.

"Ava, have some fucking diligence." Ashley came in and stood in front of me.

"Leave me the fuck alone Ashley." I pushed her out of the way and went upstairs to shower and fall asleep.

I woke up confused.


Questioning myself and my feelings.

There was a noise at my window, like a rock tapping against it, I ignored it but the sound kept irritating me.

I stayed laying in my bed with my eyes shut.


"Fucking shit!" The voice was familiar I quickly sprinted up and grabbed the knife I kept in between my mattress.

"Who's there?" I stood straight in the dark, fear and anger surged through my body as I moved to the light switch.

"Relax princess."

I turned on the light to see Alex crouching on the floor, his hand bleeding from a vase he broke on his way into my room.

"What the fuck are you doing here, why the fuck did you come through my window?" I threw my blade on the floor and grabbed my hair and a thought hit me,

"Oh my God you're a fucking pervert."

my voice became ballistic,

"What no!" He stood up blushing, "You wish I was, unless you want me to be." He winked at me,

"Just, oh my God! You're bleeding on my white carpet!" I screamed,

"Well fucking help me Ava what the fuck!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyes,

"Hey Mom heard you ye..." Ashley opened the door and paused once she saw Alex standing in the middle of my bedroom with a overly bloody hand.

"Come in." I said and Ashley slowly closed the door and stared at him, I went to my bathroom and grabbed a first aid kit.

"Here." I told Alex motioning for him to sit next to me on my bed.

Alex sat next to me making the bed sink a little, he smelt like Armani Cologne.

His hand had a thin but long and deep cut from his palm to the in between of his index finger, the blood seeped slowly and steadily down onto my bed spread, I grabbed a napkin and wiped it, then sprayed it with hydrogen peroxide to disinfect it. He relaxed his hand,

"Does it sting?" I asked getting a gauze wrap.

"I like the sting." He replied, I kept wrapping it, I looked up at him and he quickly looked away.

"There." I smiled at him.

"Thanks princess." He smirked, making me blush.

Ashley shifted a bit making me aware of her presence again.

I noticed she stared at Alex with a scared expression on her face.

"Ashley, this is Alex, Alex this is Ashley."

Ashley smiled.

"Hey." Alex said smiling back at her, he had his mouth opened a bit.

Ashley blushed immediately, her pale face was red.

"She's fifteen." I blurted out and she made a face at me making Alex kind of laugh.

"Sixteen in a month actually." Ashley placed her hands on her hips.

"Hit me up then." Alex smirked at her making her blush again and run out of my room.

"Ugh ignore her." I said placing my arms in my lap,

"She's cute." he laughed a bit making me feel irritated.

"I guess."

"Hey Ava?" Alex stood up and walked to my window.

"Yeah?" I lifted my eyebrow at him,

"Want to do something later tonight?"

My stomach felt like live animals were trying to rip out of it.

The fuck.

"Um sure I guess." I replied nonchalantly conceling my true excitement.

"Be back later." He winked disappearing through my window.

I screamed in excitement and laughed,

"Hey Ava, I'm still here." He shouted.

I giggled a bit, my only question was how the hell he got up to my room if I was on the second floor.

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