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"Steph!" I climbed on her balcony, yelling for help.

"Oh my god Ava! What if my parents wake up!" She grabs my hand and hoists me up.

I fall on her and then we laugh,

"I've missed you so much I just had to see you Steph." We hug each other tightly.

"I've missed you a lot too dude, I'm sorry I wasn't able to talk to you. They took away my phone and they don't ever leave me alone." She helps me up then opens the door into her room, Eric and his girlfriend Sarah sat on a huge beanbag.

"Stephanie what's she doing here?" Sarah stood up. Eric looked around avoiding the confrontation.

"Chill Sarah, she's my best friend everyone knows that."

I laugh a bit.

"Why the fuck are you laughing bitch?" Sarah came closer, Eric stood up.

"Keep it down! They don't know she's here!" Stephanie whispered loudly.

"Hi Eric." I wave my hand flirtatiously at him.

He avoids me.

"Let's go babe." Sarah grabs his hand to leave but Eric doesn't budge.

"Babe! Come on." She tugs at him, the look on his face is expressionless.

"I'm not going." His voice is deep.

"What the fuck why not?" She demands, her short shoulder length hair sweeps around a bit.

"These are my friends. My best friends Sarah."

"Ava isn't your fucking best friend." She almost screams.

"No I fucked it up with being friends. But I will always love Ava more than anything." Eric looked at me then back at Sarah, a small smile of satisfaction formed across my face.

"You don't mean that." She stammers.

"But I do." He replies,

"Eric this is your last chance, now lets go." She says, tears start accumulating in her almond shaped eyes.

"I'm staying. See you later Sarah."

Sarah quickly leaves Stephanie's room.

We stood in silence in a triangle.

I opened up my arms and looked at both of them, "Three musketeers?"

Before I knew it we were all in a huge hug and then Stephanie's door was opened.

"AVA MARIE DANIELS I'M CALLING THE POLICE!" Stephanie's mom screamed at the top of her lungs, Stephanie's father and Sarah stood behind them.

"What did I tell you ma'am? She broke the restraining order!" Sarah exclaimed.

"Run!" Stephanie yelled, me and Eric escaped together, he climbed down a bit then jumped of the midsection of the second story balcony and landed on his stomach,

"Come on Ava I'll catch you!"

I shut my eyes and jumped, after Eric caught me I was put down and we ran, we ran to his house which was about a block away.

"Oh my God the thrill!" I exclaim.

"I know!" Eric pushes me.

"I'm sorry." I tell Eric,

"I should be sorry." He replies as we sit outside on his front porch steps.

"Don't be Eric, I just broke you and Sarah up."

"You didn't, that was my choice, plus she was a demanding bitch."

We laughed and tried catching our breath again.

"I'm sorry I never visited." He whispers.

"Yeah that was kinda fucked up." I giggle a bit, but he stays serious.

"You were hurt and I bailed on you Ava."

The world felt so small and complex. I felt like I was running in circles and instead of getting better I was getting worse. The spring night was beautiful, the stars illuminated the sleepy town we lived in.

"Eric, just don't leave me again." I say looking up at the stars, hoping my moms watching me.

"I won't." He whispers.

"You have to promise. Too many people have left me. I can't lose anyone else. I've lost my mom, Ashley, Stephanie, Alex, I can't lose you too."

"Ava I love you."

"I love you too Eric."

He puts his arm around me and I begin to feel safe and secure.

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