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"Stop! Please just stop it!" I yell as I bury my sisters face in my shirt, making sure she doesn't see whats going on.

"I am your father and you will obey what I say Skyler." Sam yells at my face. He is everything but my father. He is a son of a bitch who adopted me and my sister two months ago.

Everything was going great in the first weeks with Sam and Katie. They were a young couple that couldn't have babies. So, they adopted me and my sister Rosalie and brought us to there home in Seattle. It was bit weird at first because I had just finished my SAT's in school and turned seventeen when both Sam and Katie were only twenty five.

Days started passing and I would notice Sam leaving his door open when showering. Than I would feel him stare when I was wearing shorts. I was not scared by it at first because this is my twelfth foster home and I ran away from ten of them.

One day, Sam slapped my butt and I couldn't do anything about it. If I told Katie, she definitely would not have believed me and probably would have given us away. It was so hard to find a family that would adopt me and my sister together. They are the first one actually.

If I wasn't here with my sister I would have run away so much earlier. I have one year left to gain custody of my sister. The adoption house started me to school one year early so there is one week left of high school since I graduate.

"Stop it! Sam! Don't touch me!" I yell again as he yanks me away from Rose. Minutes ago, when I was taking a nap, I woke up to him hovering over me. I screamed and he slapped me for making a sound. It made Rose run to my room and it distracted Sam for a moment.

I grabbed Rose and made a run downstairs, managing to make it to the living room.

"Rose, go to your room baby!" I yell at the small, blonde ten year old crying in front of me.

"Rose, go upstairs and close your door." I say again smiling at her, trying to get away from Sam pulling me up onto the couch.

Rose puts her hands in her blonde locks and start to run up the stairs, making relief wash over me. She doesn't need to see her big sister get raped. I lived out on the streets for over a year. I know what he is capable of and what he wants to do.

"Get off me you asshole!" I yell with every ounce of strength I have in my lungs. He sends me a smirk and pins me hard on the arm rest of the couch, bending me over. I push my elbow up, swinging it right at his face, making him loose balance. I get off the arm rest and kick him on the balls making him fall to the ground.

"Rose!" I yell calling her down. I need to take her with me and hide somewhere until I turn eighteen. Then we can live together.

"Your not going anywhere Skyler." I hear Sam behind me. If I run upstairs for Rose I might not ever make it down again. The door is right behind me.

"If you touch Rose I will chop your dick off." I yell again and start running up the stairs. I can't leave her alone with this piece of scum.

"Rose." I search for her in her pink room. She gets out the closet, her eyes red from crying, her bottom lip trembling. It breaks my heart so much I can kill Sam right now.

She slowly walks to me and I grab her, running down again. Rose holds me so tight my blood circulation is cut but I know she is scared.

"Its going to be okay Rosalie." I say and put a hand behind her head, gently stroking it while I scan the now empty living room. I open the door and Sam is there, his arms on the frame of the door, blocking the way out.

"I don't give a fuck about Rose." he stutters and spits blood onto the sidewalk. He is drunk. Without hesitation I throw a kick but he grabs my leg and pulls. Making me fall on my back. Rose starts screaming, muffed with sobs. I fell her detaching from me and I understand Sam is pulling her off me.

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