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You guys I can't believe its chapter 81!!! I plan on ending Troubled at chapter 100 or 101 so brace yourself, the end is coming!!! My exam week just finished so expect more frequent content from now on. And on the DMs sent about Harry, everything will be revealed soon and in the mean time, your theories are very entertaining. Keep them coming!

Harry's POV

I enter the hazy bar. It reminds me of the one me and Kim went one night. We are actually so similar with Sky in these ways. We both end up at bars with open mic nights when we are apart, we reach for comfort at the bottom of glass whiskey bottles and we simply can't live without each other.

My wild eyes and loudly beating heart search for her in the bar. I freeze when her sweet voice comes to me.

"My name is Skyler and I am going to sing." Literally every single drop of blood in me goes ice cold and leaves my veins. I didn't even see her and she leaves me breathless.

I turn to the stage like sun flowers rotate to the sun and she is standing there, a few feet ahead of me. Her eyes are reddish, her features sloppy, her eyes fixated at the bar. She doesn't notice me so I creep to the very back and wait.

Her jeans hung on her hips in the most perfect way, her sweater is halfway down her arms and its a nice shad of grey that matches her skin. Her face is sleepy and her hair is down, long and shiny. She has a bandage over her forehead but she looks perfect. What happened? Is she hurt?

"Uhm I am gonna sing Leave Your Lover by Sam Smith. I was- uhm- dumped recently." She makes a forced smile and shifts, getting ready to sing. Her words stick to me.

"I don't have much to give, but I don't care for gold
What use is money, when you need someone to hold?
Don't have direction, I'm just rolling down this road
Waiting for you to bring me in from out the cold" I gulp and lean beside the wall. Fuck her voice is so good.

"You'll never know the endless nights, the rhyming of the rain,
Or how it feels to fall behind and watch you call her name" the pain she has felt is evident in her voice as she sings these words. She knows I am with someone else. She has to.

"Pack up and leave everything,
Don't you see what I can bring
Can't keep this beating heart at bay
Set my midnight sorrow free,
I will give you all of me
Just leave your lover, leave her for me.
Leave your lover, leave her for me." She speaks the words I want to scream at her. She wants me to come back. I am here. Hiding at the back but I did pack and came here. For her.

"We sit in bars and raise our drinks to growing old
Oh, I'm in love with you and you will never know,
But if I can't have you I want this life alone
Spare you the rising storms and let the rivers flow" I want her. I need her back. I need to do something. I want to kiss her again. I want her to be mine even though if its just for tonight. This is pure torture.

"I am here!" My voice is so loud it makes me want to close my ears. I regret what I just did.

Sky freezes. Her features sober up in seconds and her jaw literally drops. I step out from the shadows and walk up to her, my heart beating out of my chest with every step.

Sky's POV

I blink and blink once more. Harry. Harry Edward Styles. My Harry is here.

I don't know what to do. I want to walk away, slap him, kiss him and shout at him all at the same time.

"I am here Skyler. I came to find you. I came all the way from New York." This can't be real. It just can't. He can't be here. Am I tripping on acid?

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