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"Shampoo." I start reading the tittles on top of the isles in CVS as we walk together.

Harry is tense. I can sense the tension oozing out of his skin.

I find the pregnancy pee sticks that you are supposed to pee on. I contemplate whether if I should hide it or buy it. We can keep looking. But its past three in the morning and my feet hurt so I call his name.

"Thats it." I point to it. We both stare like it can pop any second.

"What if it says positive?" I ask the question lingering in the back of my mind for the past four hours.

He did leave New York because Allison got an abortion, so does that mean he would like to keep our baby?

His stare burns my eyes and he clenches his jaw before fixing his hair. He is stalling. I am glad he is.

"What do you want to do?" He dodges it.

"Tell me Harry... Please." We both stare at the test. Both of us don't want to move, make a choice or learn the results.

"Look Sky." He holds my shoulders, makes me stand in front of him, only an inch between us. Just this makes me heart race.

"I am in love with you. I wanted and still would marry you. I want to have your kids. I want to grow old with you." His words are everything I thought I would never want but deeply need in fact.

"You are 18. I am 20. This can't work. It won't. I can't take your life away from you. I would hate myself for it." Before I get all angry, question his inner meaning, I give his words a thought.

Harry doesn't lie. Harry is honest. Harry loves me. He would want whats best for me. Harry did and proves that he would fight for a child. He says he would want mine. Now, he might be putting my life quality before his. This may mean that he loves and cares for me more than he ever did for Allison and he puts his wants aside for me.

"I think the same. If its positive, I'll get an abortion." I nod and he agrees. He then takes a deep breathe and takes two tests from the isle and starts walking to the check out lane.

We decide to buy them ourselves from the manual check out instead of the cashier because its weird. I hesitate to pay for them because Gabriel said to watch my purchases and I don't want to think that FBI can assume I might be pregnant. That would get me kicked out.

He buys them immediately and holds my hand as we walk back to my apartment.

As we walk, I take my phone out and text Logan to see if he left. It would be very awkward, having my possible baby daddy meat the man who I just had sex with. Oh god, I am really a fucking slut.

Where are you? I am sorry I stormed out like that.

I lied to his face to let him leave me be. Now, I feel like shit.

Harry eyes me text him. He checks to see who I am talking to with the corner of his eye. I can't but smile. Its such an innocent act of checking up on me with jealousy in the core of it. Its like the time he was staying at Jack's with me and we were fooling around, secretly liking each other.

Its cute.

"Is he your mystery vagina penetrator?" He nudges my shoulder and smirks.

Just then my phone vibrates with an answer: I left. Its okay. Call me when everything is sorted out.

"Stop! Don't call him that!" I giggle as he smirks and I put my phone away. When he does that, a strand of hair comes onto his cheek and he looks like a god damn god in his white shirt. I feel myself getting hot in between my thighs. This is what he does to me. Only he can do that.

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