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The previous great rush from the adrenaline fades as I walk out from my stop and out into the middle of the room, my guns still pointed at them.

Aiden is standing in the middle of the bodyguards and I realize I shot Mike who is probably dead, lying on the floor. I liked Mike.

Harry has a terrified look on his face as I walk to stand directly in front of them and drop both of my guns after throwing death glares to the guys pointing pistols at me.

"You are no ordinary girl who is after nude pics and cash. You are fucking mad and now I have your boyfriend." Aiden pulls Harry's hair while I spit on the ground again, from both panic and from the adrenaline rush earlier.

"Kill him. I am an actress. I don't fucking care." I say, lying through my teeth. I may not care of Harry as a boyfriend anymore but don't fucking kill the boy. He is a great improvement in average attractiveness in America. Harry dead, rates go down by 27.9%.

"Then, you won't mind if I scatter his brains out." Aiden smiles at me like a fucking mental person while I start panicking inside. He can't possibly kill Harry right? We are both bluffing right?

"Kill my fake boyfriend the same place your fake wife died. Its poetic." I mumble which makes Aiden super angry.

"She was not fake." Aiden snarls at me while Harry mouths me something I can't make out.

"She probably smashed your whole crew then came home to you with a pretty face." I get Aiden angrier on purpose, hoping he would jolt and make a move towards me but all he does is get redder and redder.

I look at Harry who is intensely mouthing me something.

"Now? NOW!" I suddenly yell, realizing he is mouthing me 'I am ready'. Harry pulls Aiden onto his shoulder then onto the ground while I grab my guns back and point them at the two body guards while both of them points at each of us.

"Boys, boys... Never fuck with women." I yell and shoot two times, hitting one person. The other is shocked by the ones death and stops shooting for a moment while I shoot him on the head, having him fall to the ground.

I jog to them and kick the guns away so we won't have a dramatic shooting scene just when Harry and I get back together.

"You were gonna let him shoot me if I didn't say I was ready?" Harry talks, standing over Aiden and checking his pulse since he knocked him out from throwing him so hard on the floor.

"Is he dead?" I ask ignoring his question. Harry looks up to me and throws me a glare before answering. He seems hurt and broken.

Before he can answer Aiden pulls himself off the ground and observes us with mortified eyes.

"No." Harry responds sarcastically and we both look at Aiden with wide eyes, expecting a reaction.

"I! I will get both of you killed!" He yells with one finger pointing to each of us while the other hand, holding his head.

Its enough. I grab my pistol and walk up to him and push the nuzzle onto his forehead.

"Your a sexist bastard who talks too much." I hit him lightly so he moves back. He continues to stare at me with terrified eyes but does not say anything.

"I am also a dad." He suddenly blurts out just when I am about to pull the trigger.

Jack. His siblings. Their mother is dead and I am about to kill their dad. If I do, what if they no other family members take claim and they go to the orphanage? Jack is a nice boy, cute and kind. What would happen to him?

I grunt and take the pistol away from his forehead but hit him hard with it on the back of his head so he is out again.

"What the fuck?" Harry yells with both shock and disbelief.

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