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Harry's POV

My head spins when I enter the hazy bar. There is smoke all over the room and every inch of the place is covered with drunk people.

I duck as I go down the stairs from the entrance to the main area where there are two girls pole dancing and many people either sitting beside the stages or around the actual bar.

Liam called me around eleven at night when I was shitting bricks after Sky not answering her calls. Liam told me they were here together, drinking.

At first, I was shocked, over Sky leaving the house to go to Zayn's place and her ending up here in this crappy bar with Liam. We had just got back on good terms and she lies to me to drink with Liam.

Considering she left the hotel at noon and its about midnight right now, concerns me. How long has she been drinking? Why did he lie about Liam? What else did she lie about?

Getting more curious and angry by the second, I search the place but its hard from the dim lighting and music.

I can see a Liam like figure at the corner of the bar but a shot haired blonde is sitting next to him. That can't be Skyler.

I search for her in the room and my eyes dart to the stages for a moment. A rush takes over me as I scan the girls faces, clenching my fists at the possibility they could be Sky.

Getting more angrier with every second I can't find her, I finally decide to check the bathrooms. Just when I clench my jaw and jolt to the bathrooms someone calls my name.

I stop in my tracks and restrain myself from bolting into the women's bathroom. I turn around to look for the caller when I realize its the Liam shaped figure.

I walk over to him and its definitely him, shit faced, eyes darting everywhere in the room, not being able to focus on my face.

"Liam! Where is she?" I angrily yell at Liam who responds by smiling. What did he fucking drink? Obama's piss?

His smile gets me even more angrier and I am about to pound my fists at the table when the blonde beside him, scattered on the wooden stool lifts her face from her drink and turns to face me.

"Five drinks and you don't recognize me?" Its Skyler. Her head falls back from excessive liquor and she smiles, her eyes bloodshot, no control over anything, make-up smudged and remade, leaving a smear under her eyes. Even like this, she looks like a god damn goddess.

"Your hair. You..." My anger extinguishes with her voice and I find my hands, scattered in her hair, feeling the unfamiliar blonde material. Its now short, reaching her chin only and golden blonde.

She starts giggling from my reaction and lifts her hair up to show me.

"I got back to my roots. Sticking to that theme, me and Liam decided to travel to our true selves. The teenage dirtbags we are and get shitfaced. Cheers." She holds up a shot glass and they click glasses with Liam, followed by both of them downing the tequila.

"Skyler, you are gonna pass out. Let me take you home." I know she won't remember any of this tomorrow and I need to get her out before she does something crazy. Its true Skyler comes from complex places but she is stronger then this.

"Where is home Haz? That place Louis pays us to stay locked in? Nope! Not going back there! Cheers to that." They clink shot glasses and another shot is what they down.

I don't know what to say but the only thing is the anger and protective feeling hovering over me. I need to get her out of here and back to home.

"C'mon babe. You drank too much." I attempt to lift her so I can carry her back home. I took Louis' car which he rented for us in case Sky was drunk. He was right. Taking a bus with a passed out girl in my arms would be too suspicious.

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