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We reach North Dakota around midnight and it has been ten hours of driving for Harry so we stop at an overnight place for him to sleep.

Our goal is the leave at eight in the morning tomorrow and make it to Iowa by ten at night. Then we have seventeen hours left without any traffic which is not that big of a deal because schools have started and the interstates are clear most of the time.

"Go to sleep." I whisper to him as he stares at me as we lay together under the covers. We took a shower together and we were too tired to do anything else so we laid in the bed, naked like last time, tired. The difference was however, we did not pay anything this time. I sneaked off the back while Harry parked in front of a Starbucks half a mile away. He walked over here and ran across the filed to the back where I jimmied a lock and got us in this room. It took me awhile to make sure the room was empty. When I was 100% sure, it was easy. I just took out my hair pin and opened it as well as getting my tweezers and did the old trick. The door swung open and I texted Harry the room number.

We are already spending money on food and gas. We don't need to pay for this too. The 7 hundred dollars Louis left us have vanished and I am not in the stealing/selling business just yet. We only have half of the 3k and its more then enough but we don't need to swing it around.

"I am so tired I can't sleep." he responds and I feel bad for making him drive all the way.

"I'm sorry baby." I say and stroke his hair. That seems to help so I start to gently rub it, giving him some kind of massage. His wet curls glide between my fingers as he leans and throws his arm around my waist and I continue to rub his scalp. He falls asleep soon after.

I fall asleep after I kiss his arm and scoot closer.


29th of September, we reach New York City. Its a Sunday night, minutes away from Monday. I am driving surprisingly because Harry was too tired to go on after six in the afternoon and we were close so I wanted to keep going and not wait another day.

He just woke up when we entered the city so he can tell me which turn to take and stuff like that. I have never been here before.

"Wow." I say as I look out my window at the amazing city. Even though its midnight, the city is lit and shining. It really never sleeps.

"How did you ever leave this place?" I say as I continue down the road and start to enter the heart of the city. We are driving the coast line, the Hudson River to my left and the city to my right.

"Its amazing but it was never home." He replies as he is not one bit amused by it. I am in shock by the beauty of the city. I thought Seattle's skyline was amazing but no, this ones should be miraculous.

"Take a right into chinatown." He says and I do that. I took the risk of being pulled over and possibly arrested because he was tired but I am so happy that I am driving now. New York is so amazing it makes my heart race.

We drive a little bit more and take a few more turns and reach this place called NoHo. Which apparently means North of Houston. He has me park in a dead end street which is apparently the only place we can park if we don't wanna pay a thousand dollars.

"We are here. Jacob should be here." He informs me and get out the car. I follow him and lock the car after opening the trunk. He opens it and grabs our suitcases then closes the trunk.

Even the air I am breathing seems magical and its surprisingly cold. The East Coast is way colder, I learn.

"C'mon Sky." Harry says when I realize I am standing on the sidewalk, looking at the city. I see many tall buildings, many people at one in the morning, laughing, drinks and bags in hand, striding down the streets.

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