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I sit on the bed when we get to the hotel room. The lights hurt my eyes and he paces in front of me.

His jeans are as tight as usual, his boots are worn out leather and he has this blue sweater on. It looks delicious.

His eyes are bright and glossy, his skin perfect, his hair swooshing from side to side as he paces with anger.

"Was it hard," my voice is coarse as I speak "to let me go?"

"Well," he begins, "my entire world came crashing down before me." He looks at me with hungry eyes.

"So what do you think?" He stops pacing and sits down beside me.

My mind is going on million miles per hour, my heart is out of control, thumping a quart of blood with every beat. He looks at me with the same green eyes that taunted me every night for the last few months and his pink, live, lips shimmer. I am so in love with him. Nothing I can do can stop that.

"Then why?! Why did you do this to me?" Tears stream out of me. I can't control any of it. They gush out of me.

It feels surprisingly relieving to cry. It helps me calm myself. He panics.

"I never wanted to do any of this to you. Hell, I miss you in my arms every single night. You can't even imagine how much I miss just talking to you. I lost the love of my life and its all on me. I am in love with you and every single morning apart from you has been hell. I miss you, I want to be with you. But I can't. My mistakes caught up with me." He looks down. A deep frown settled on his perfect features.

Then he looks up and collects my tears with his lips. He looks like he can cry himself just from the pain he sees in me.

"Why? Why is that? Is it her? Do you love her more?" I make no sense. No, he makes no sense.

"No its not anyone. We just can't. Don't do this to me now." He puts his hand on my cheek. I want to yell at him, scream and get the reason out of him. I can't find it in myself.

Gabriel can call any minute now. Then I go. Then we probably never see each other again. I can't waste the time we have left.

I swallow my pride and push my skin into his. I close my eyes at the connection and lean closer to him. He gets confused but catches up and I kiss him. I don't slam my lips onto his this time, I kiss him slowly, taking everything in. I kiss him like this is the last time because it is.

I put my hands on his neck and climb onto him so I am on top. His eyes go wild as I rake his body down with my hands.

I will always be ready for him. His perfect body and exquisite mind. I will love him no matter what. I know that every time I look at him.

I know I will never be able to give my everything to anyone else. He will always have parts of me. Even if we are not together or even when we are not even near each other, million miles apart, he will have me, bits and pieces of me but me. At moments like this when I have his bottom lip in between my teeth and my pussy drenched just from thinking of him naked, he has me, every piece of my being is his, I am completely and utterly resting in his hands.

Harry's POV

I don't dare to say anything. She is on my lap, her hands in my hair, her lips on mine and its the most perfect feeling the world.

I missed everything about her, I missed the way she just lays on the bed but my dick twitches under her touch now and makes me forget about everything else. I don't think straight. I don't realize I am married to someone else, I don't realize I have responsibilities. I forget why we were fighting when she kisses me.

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