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We need a vacation. Thats what we need. We need to get away from this mess for awhile.

Sky wakes up, comes to her senses. It was like a phone rebooting itself. She seems almost as normal as before Zayn died.

I remember the morning she left to see him, that morning from paradise. I had been with her all through the night, full filling every aspect of her with passion and love.

We made love for hours, until we couldn't keep our eyes open. I remember all of it. I remember her climaxing on top of me, her eyes shutting, biting her bottom lip as her toes curled on the sheets and she grabbing my side with her palms as she screamed my name.

I remember her laying on her back in the tub, her face sneaky and sexy as it could ever be as the dawn peaked and me, tasting her, peaking inside of her with my tongue.

I remember grabbing her breasts as she yelled and grabbed onto the sides of the marble tub as she started shaking with the overwhelming effect of the orgasm she was reaching.

I remember her slamming me onto the shower wall as she got on her knees and took a ride. I remember bending her over the bed and going balls deep into her but an hour later, caressing her as I make love to her gently, examining her every move, her every sound of pleasure as I get off because she gets off.

I suddenly slam back to reality, ever bone in my body soft, but one. We are in Sky's room at Jack's and Rose is at school in this Tuesday morning.

I quickly get up and rush to the bathroom to take care of it when I remember Sky is in the bathroom, taking a shower.

She is just back to us and I don't want to ruin it so I take a pillow and make a small jog for the door. Just as I open it, she opens the bathroom door and steps out, in nothing but a kinky smile.

"Harry, going somewhere?" She smiles at me as she reaches for a hair tie and ties her wet hair in a bun after collecting it gracefully from her shoulders. It has been two days since she fainted and went back to her normal state but her skin is not flushed anymore. Its rosy and alive, she looks seventeen again. Her under eye bags are gone, her lips look luscious and even though she is a bit underweight, her state in my eyes is perfect as always. I see her behind and suddenly my boner gets bigger.

I am speechless as I drop the pillow in awe and reveal my bulge, or another pillow in my jeans. She sees it and bites her bottom lip like she does when she climaxes or is super horny.

"Take me Harry Styles. Make love to me." She says smiling and it comes to my ears as I prayer. I smile too and start to slowly walk to her. Its been months since I touched her. Its been months of my right hand and I need her body on mine.

I feel as if the light that was broken in her is re lit and I have no idea how. She fainted then come back to life. It was like she enlightened in her sleeping state. I am excited and joyful, feeling as if this our first time making love to each other. I love this women so much.

"You want me to fuck you?" I whisper in her ear as I reach her. She nods instead of talking and she reaches and grabs my bulge, gently rubbing. If she continues for one more minute, I am going to jeez my pants. Its been too long.

I kiss her neck and she throws her head back with a moan, turning me on even further. I take her hand off my pants and put it on my neck as I grab her right on her ass and gently throw her onto the bed, spreading her legs.

I kiss her lips, then her neck, then her chest, then her nipples, then her stomach and then land a kiss on her cherry.

"I am going to fuck your brains out." I declare with a rough voice as I pull my skinny jeans down and put a condom on.

Then I lean to her and kiss her just as I slam into her.

I believe this goes on for a few times and we stop and lay on the bed, naked and tired, smiling at each other and slowly drinking some water.

"I love you Harry." she whispers to me as she throws her water bottle away and leans closer to me. She puts her fingers on my chest and traces the bird tattoos.

"I love you Sky." I say back remembering saying 'I love you too' annoys us both since it seems as if we are agreeing not meaning it back.

"I am so sorry." She says with a morose tone and I know its meant for the last few months we spent in agony.

It has been a few months but I am still here for her and finally she is back to me. I don't want to say 'its fine' because what we went through was never fine but I don't want to upset her any further.

I don't say anything at all and stroke her hair instead. She accepts my  response and lays on my chest, moving onto stroking my ferns.

I brake out a laugh "I am ticklish!" I say as she starts to giggle.

She stops after teasing me for another bit and I remember the plan I made this morning.

"I am taking you to New York City." I blurt out and she suddenly stops tracing any tattoo and lifts her head to see me.

"What?" she doesn't believe it and I am scared for a moment that I might switch her off and she can become crazy again.

"We need a vacation. You need a vacation." I respond and she suddenly gets curious. I see it in her eyes, that sparkle.

"How?" She asks this time worried. Its hard to do anything when you are broke let alone go to NYC.

"Do you remember the money I told you about? The one my mom sends me and I never take? Its been building up for quite some time now. I might as well go and take all of it. I am sure if they kept sending it, it will be enough for a week for the two of us." I assure her and I can literally see the questions forming in her head. She can never let things go, she has to think them true and believe its logical.

"What about your policy of keeping your where-about-s secret? They'll know you are in Seattle." She responds, testing me. I know she is trying to figure out what I am thinking.

"We can buy the plane tickets online and have the money transferred from the back account directly. After that, we can take the rest while in NYC, that way, they can never know." I respond back. I thought this through.

"They can see that you bought plane tickets from Seattle to NYC and back. They'll know your here if you do that." She says back. She is clever. She thinks fast.

"Honestly, no one is gonna drag their asses back to the colonies to get me if they knew where I was. It doesn't matter if they knew Sky. I don't care anymore. I love you and we need this." I say back and it looks like she is convinced. Therefore, she moves onto the next topic.

"Rose? What about Rose?" This trip is for us to connect and Rose has school anyway so its best to leave her here. The problem is where? I think for a moment and an idea pops up.

"Remember Rana? The knew girl from Turkey? She is just downstairs, we can go and ask her. She is 16, considerably innocent and honest. Rose can sleep here at night, all Rana has to do is give her food and make sure she is alright. I can give her some money. It'll be alright." I assure Sky and she looks like she has some doubts but she gives in.

"New York?" This time she is smiling. She drops beside me and lays her head on my chest again while grabbing my hand and gently playing with it. Its a sight to behold and I am mesmerized.

"I know it like the back of my hand. It will be amazing." I say and place a kiss on her hand.

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