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"Where are the towels?" I hear a deep accent just beside my cheek making me jump and fall on the floor. The familiar smell of old rugs fill my nose and I realize I am in Jack's.

Last night floods through my mind as I try to keep my eyes open and actually wake up. I stand up, holding the bed to find a Harry cracking up on the bed.

"Jesus Christ." I mumble as I rub my face, trying to shake my sleepiness off. Harry stops laughing and looks up to me from the muffled sheets, he is laying in.

"You smell very nice for a homeless person." he says mocking me and smiling adorably at the same time. I don't know why I find this Brit so attractive. I need to get myself together and focus on Rose. God damn it Rose! I have to make a plan to get my angle back.

"I need to think." I say, breaking the light and humorous atmosphere in the room and turning it rather morose.

"Think where the towels are." Harry says trying to lighten it again. I am focused on a spot on the rug, thinking of Sam and Katie's schedule. I wonder what he told her when she came back home? Probably lied and told I ran away silently. What if he did something to Rose? I will literally kill him if he does anything such. I have been arrested before its not that big of a deal.

"Its in a big cupboard down the hall. Take one for me." I say and Harry nods while getting up and leaving me alone. I need to break into the house at day, when Rose was alone with me earlier. What if they are sending her to a day care on summer break? I have to get her before her school ends so I know where she is. I can't walk up to the school and pick her up because its too risky. Sam and Katie could have told everyone to be on the look for me. I need to sneak inside the house and grab my phone and clothes as well anyway.

"So here is one for your hair and one for your body. This is for my body and my hair." Harry says and places two towels on my bed, putting his hands on his hips.

"I forgot you had such long curls." I smile up at him, mocking his long hair. I actually like his curls, its similar to Rose's gold locks.

"Very funny. Your jealous because I have better hair." he says and takes his two towels before stepping inside the bathroom and locking his door after throwing me a glance which makes me giggle. How did I end up at Jack's with a total stranger when I was at home doing homework after school 18 hours ago?

I don't know how or why Harry and I hit it off this good. I am not usually the socialist, trying to be friends with everyone. He seems like the charming white prince, everyone loves. Maybe, its because we met on an dark alley at two in the morning or its his green eyes I am not sure. He is distracting me though and I am out of shape. The year I spent on the streets, I remember earning 800 dollars a day, stealing almost everything I wear or eat, smoking at the age of 15. On my sweet sixteen I celebrated by getting high with Shaun and Jack in the conference room of this hotel. I remember jimmying twenty locks a day, breaking in peoples houses for free booze than running away with my friends. I was a little girl scared of lightning but I was also the most troubled trouble maker you can meet.

Its really easy getting out of track when there is no one to watch you and take care of you, rather alone give a shit about you. I was an alone 15 year old, living in an abounded hotel with other abounded souls like me, my parents dead, my sister in an foster home, taken care of, surrounded by no boundaries at all. I lost my innocence the first time I ran away from my foster home. I was 11 and my foster parents were not feeding me as a punishment. I had enough and ran away. I literally ran for two days until I reached the orphanage. That one night I slept in the thick forrest of Seattle up in trees so no one can see me. I ate, leftovers in restaurants to fuel me to run. I saw so much things, half of America died without seeing at the age of eleven. I never got over the cruelty of the world.

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