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They drop me off by my car. They say they will inform me soon and when I get notified the deal is on. Before that, I am not watched and I can do whatever the fuck I want. Its a way of saying do all the shit you want to before they are all gone.

I forget to ask Gabriel about Harry and the letters. Okay maybe I didn't forget it but didn't have the balls to do so. Its for the better if he doesn't get them anyway.

I get in my car and look around for a water bottle. Louis had mentioned one so I open the main storage space in the car and there is a note inside.

I take it out and its written in hand writing. It says Happy Birthday Skyler, this is your present. Take it and enjoy having a Lamborghini. I am sorry for last night. Good luck. -Tomlinson

I smile at the note. Although my memory is kinda fuzzy, I remember him being a total bitch and basically shoving me out of the living room.

I start the engine, it makes the most beautiful sound, I put my hands on the wheel and pull up on to the main street. I don't know where I am going so I just start to drive around the city to think about what just happened with the FBI and clear my head.

Harry's POV

*February 5th*

"Okay I'll buy some." I tell Allison as I take my wallet and head out the door. Its a cold February day, not sure of the date. I turned 20 just days ago and what I am doing now, is not something a twenty year old boy should be doing.

We celebrated by getting drinks at our town bar with Jacob and Tim. I miss them. Even though I live in New York now, we don't get to see each other that often.

I make a right onto Canal Street and find our favorite small grocery store. Allison doesn't like chain stores because she says they harvest their products unethically. She loves this small grocery store just down the street from our apartment so I always come here to buy stuff.

I get inside and my reflection on the glass doors scare me. I haven't slept much in last couple of days so the bags under my eyes are almost purple. I need a haircut and honestly, I look miserable.

I get inside, grab the newsletter and the news are typical, I am bored until I see the date on the top of the page. Its the 5th. Today is February 5th. Today Sky is 18.

A small tingle inside of me thats always there grows and bashes my insides apart. Thats how I feel. Thats how I feel every time I think of her blonde hair, her tiny nose, her perfect smile, her dimples and her gorgeous- fuck, perfect body.

Today my baby turns 18 and I am not with her. I put the newsletter down and try to think why I was here the first place.

I am here for the same reason I am not with Sky.

I take a cart and start strolling down the small isles.

What is she doing? How will she celebrate it? Is she okay? Is she over me by now or does it hurt every time she hears my name like it hurts me? She must be okay. Thats what I saw. She was okay.

I can't decide if what hurts more. The fact that I am not with her and every single memory of her makes me want to stab myself or the fact that she feels nothing for me anymore and I am the reason for that.

When she agreed to marry me I told her I would marry her ass the moment she turned 18. Now she is 18 and I can't do that. Last time I talked to Louis, I should have pushed harder, shouldn't have let her slip through my fingers again.

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