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Harry holds my hand as we enter the sorority house. It reads "Alpha Delta Phi" largely outside with LED lights, over the huge wooden door of the house.

There are two lines of bushes in the front, outlining the yard. A set of benches are to the right and left of the road you walk down to reach the street from the house door. Many people are on them, red cups in hand and lips attached to the other persons, hands traveling along their body.

When you enter the building, the first thing you notice is that people are everywhere. The music is loud and booms some shitty remixes, the lights are dim and it looks like the parties on Bad Neighbors.

I can smell the pot people are smoking in the kitchen from the doorway. Harry leads himself into the house and he has been here before. He walks past the kitchen and enters the living room.

Two large beer pong tables are set, in between is two couches facing each other, a table and a fireplace to its left. A set of people are scattered on the couch/floor.

"Joelle!" Harry yells when he makes eye contact with the red haired girl. She is on this brown haired boys lap and she gets ups when she sees him.

"Harry!" She yells and her voice is way too high pitched. She is wearing this very short shorts that are white and have these 50s style cherry pattern and a high waist. She has a tucked in black v-neck over her shorts and oh god- her boobs are like DDD cups.

Harry picks her up and swings her, her but cheeks hang out when Harry does that. I suddenly want to rip her perfect Ariel hair off and stick it up her ass.

We just sobered up moments ago but I need a drink. Like a gin tonic, like right now.

"My man!" A blonde haired boy gets up from the couch and man hugs Harry. They bump fists after while I try not to leave and get a drink without Harry.

"I missed you Al." Harry says and I figure he is Alex.

"Styles? Is that you?" I hear another girl. What?

A black haired girl this time comes and hugs Harry. She is very tall, skinny and very very fucking hot. Like questioning your sexuality hot, like Ruby Rose hot.

"Missed you Alex." Harry says. So she is Alex? I am so confused I really need a drink. And should I be worried from the fact that two people Harry mentioned he could call was girls?

"Hey guys." Harry says and waves at the small group. There are three guys sitting in a row on one couch. There are two girls, each on one arm rest, drinking. The couch facing that one has one girl and one guy since Al and Joelle got up.

"This is my girlfriend Sky." He introduces me and I smile at them. This is awkward.

"Nice to meet you!" Joelle shakes my hand.

"Well, this is the crew." Joelle says and points to the people in front of us. I get the impression Harry does not know them either.

"That is Luke, Winston and Mark." she says pointing at the three guys that look like they jumped out of a Magic Mike movie. They all wave at us.

"She is Dani and she is Olly." Joelle points at the girls on the arm rests. They both smile.

"She is Stephanie and he is Jordan." She finally introduces the other two on the other couch.

Al sits back down and Joelle sits on Jordan's lap again. I sit down at the floor in between the couches.

"I am gonna gets us a drink." Harry whispers to my ear and leaves. This is so awkward.

"So how are you Sky?" Winston asks as he takes out a cigarette and lights it. I would kill for a puff right now. As if reading my mind, he opens the pack and hands it to me.

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