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Don't worry about it. Just hold his hand and walk out of here.Pretend to be okay Sky. I know you can do it.

For the next five days we spent in the hospital together, I was out of it. I was back on my feet and fully recovered the day after our fight but Harry had to rest so I stayed with him.

We would wake up, have breakfast separately, then I would give him his daily walk around the hospital floor. Two nurses on our floor and one downstairs had a crush on him so we always got the freshest food and best service around here.

After our walk, he would rest or take a nap while I read some books on the couch at his bed side. After he woke up we would have lunch together this time and after that we would walk again.

After that walk, movie hour started on the tv which had five channels. We would watch whatever was on, me laying beside him on the bed but not even our arms touching each other.

We would have dinner in the bed together after the movies. He would get checked and get his stitches worked up and stuff. The stitches in his face healed and they just kinda went away on their own, not leaving a scar, barely visible. The scars on his abdomen were more serious. They were cleaned every day and it sometimes hurt. I always held his hand.

Now, we checked out. Louis came by with a lift back to the hotel. I have to talk to him sometime but it always gets interrupted.

I have the same dream of me in a white Utopia, Zayn telling me people are not who they seem to be every single night. What does that supposed to mean? Who should I look out for? Great details Zayn.

As we walk out the hospital, Harry's arm around mine, I feel uncomfortable. After our fight, we did not talk about it again. We barely talked anyway. Most of our conversations included his well being or what to watch or eat.

One time, he told me I looked nice and I told him I missed him. Beside that, neither of us talked upon our fight. I don't see the strength in me to do so. I need time. Lots of it.

I slowly let my arm fall down and intervene our fingers such as we exit the building. He tenses but does the same as he leans on me for support.

I don't dare to look at his face but then say fuck it and do it. He is looking back at me with his green eyes. I fucking love this boy.

When we make eye contact and I put on a faint smile, he squeezes my hand.

"We don't have all day. Cut the fucking romantic shit so we can leave!" One of the body guards from beside the car yells at us which Harry responds by throwing a death glare.

I giggle instead, at his serious and angry face and hold his hand tighter. This is nice. He calms down as we get seated inside and he does not let my hand go.

"Skyler I am sorry." he talks as soon as the engine is running and the body guards can't hear us.

"Its okay Harry." I respond and smile. Sometimes, being wrong is better then having him feel bad. If I explained that I was like I was because Zayn died, he would have been the wrong side in the argument. But, he would feel like shit for yelling at me like that and take the blame for Zayn too. I rather be wrong then have him feel that.

"Thank you Sky." Harry leans in and pushes his forehead onto mine. Even not wearing any cologne, he smells like heaven and his five o'clock shadow gives him a sexier look.

"For what?" I whisper as his breathe hits my face but neither of us pull away. He stares deeply into my eyes and I can feel him reminiscing.

"Everything. Thank you for giving me a home when I didn't have one. Thank you for showing me how to survive. Thank you for putting up with me. Thank you for finding me a salary. Thank you for giving me a purpose. Thank you for saving my life, a few times. Thank you for loving me Skyler." He talks and gently smiles.

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