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Trying not to get all emotional over Zayn's solo in 18. But, I am here for the rest of the four, all my support to them.

What do you think about Zayn leaving?

"Sky- Sissy! Skyler!" Rose shakes me in the bed while squeezing my injured arm.

I yank myself away with pain from her grip and move away, trying to get my eyes to open.

Last night I went to bed around five in the morning. We came back to the hotel god knows when from the ball and after our talk with Harry, I did not want to go to sleep. Besides, my arm was aching still because the pain killers were wearing off and the stitches were itching.

I made myself a mug of tea, sat on the little sofa in front of the window and just looked at the stars.

I know, its sounds odd, a girl who did not want to live, thinks about her future but I really don't know what I am doing with my life. I killed people last night and I am only seventeen. I almost got shot and I almost had the love of my life killed. Not to mention, I am in love. Like, I am seventeen, I need to be worrying over university, boys and prom. Instead, I am killing people, doing drugs, getting involved with gangs. Let me tell you, its far from a tv series of a troubled teen, its fucking hell.

"Skyler!" Rose yanks me again and I zone out of my thoughts, gaining conscious and rubbing my eyes to open them.

"Rose baby, I did not get much sleep, can you let me sleep?" I ask while I move so the pressure is off my left and stitched arm and I am leaning on my right.

"But Sky, Harry's here and said its urgent." Rose looks up to someone behind me then smiles. When she looks back down at me, she is excited. I dissed her so much lately, since I was caught up in my own shit. I grab her chin and pull her closer to kiss her forehead.

Suddenly, the thought that Harry is in the room sinks in and I jolt out of the bed to see him since I can't roll onto the other side.

He is leaning by the door, wearing his navy skinny jeans that I once told I adored, back when we were new and at Jack's. On top, he is wearing one sleeveless baggy top with an AC/DC marking in the middle.

His hair is done to perfection, little messy but not so much, his favorite ring on his finger and cross necklace on, staring at me with his green and captivating eyes.

"Uhm- whats this about?" I ask while putting my palms on my eyes to adjust to the light in the room.

"I want to take you out. We never had a real date." Harry smirks at me while detaching himself from the wall and slowly walking towards me with tempting eyes.

"I don't-" I have to clear my throat to continue "I don't think thats a good idea." I finish and suddenly the light in Harry's eyes extinguish.

I open my mouth to say something else when something tugs on my shirt. I turn around and look down to see Rose, covered in clothes.

"I picked your outfit." she whispers from under the fabrics and its too cute. I lift the shiny dress off Rose and throw it on the bed, then hug Rose and lift her up to my arms.

"I love you, you know that." I say and plant a kiss on her red cheek. She starts giggling and puts her head on the crook my neck.

I look at Harry who is watching us and he is smiling at us with perfect rows of teeth. He then slowly walks to us and puts his hand on Rose's back.

"Go with him!" Rose yells suddenly making me jolt my head back in surprise, followed by all three of us laughing at my reaction.

"Did you see her double chin?" Rose shouts, mocking me backing away suddenly.

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