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I wear the shiny dress and stand before the mirror gazing at my body. The dress hugs my body perfectly and the shiny beads on it reflect the light subtly but elegantly. The dress has a normal length, strapless and has a bustier built in as well.

I don't remember buying it so it may be Louis who dropped it off earlier. Since I can't work for Jack while I am here Louis pays both me and Harry and we get extra for missions. So we get to be paid, lying around in the hotel. Nice. He transfers the money into my bank account every week, along with the extras.

I tug at the dress and pull it up when my vision slides to my stomach. What if Harry didn't stop and finished off? What if I became pregnant? I promised myself not to bring any kids into this hell and I would like to keep it.

Besides, if I did become pregnant, I would have an abortion. I probably would not be able to care for a child and giving it away is not an option. I can't bare, causing another harmless soul going to an orphanage and going through what I did. If I desperately want kids in the future, I can adopt. Save a baby from the torture I went through.

"Can I do you hair?" Rose whispers beneath me, waking me up from my gaze. I smile at her and sit on the chair in front of the table so she can reach my hair.

She starts brushing it when the door flings open. I get ready to say I am not ready yet to Harry when I realize its Louis, who came over. Speak of the devil...

"You can't go." Are the first words he says when he makes eye contact with me and closes the door behind him. I shut my mouth with disappointment.

"You can't tell me what to do." I say while Rose continues to brush my hair, opening its tangles. I look in the mirror and at Rose's reflection which is staring at me with huge eyes. I assure her with a smile and she continues brush without a single worry.

"Hey kiddo." Louis says and pinches Rose's cheek before sitting on the bed next to me. I look at him and he looks back with a stern expression.

"You just killed Max's men. We found Max after you guys and shook him up a bit, enough to stop him doing the drugs and lets say, walking but they saw you and Harry's face. Its too dangerous, you can't go out. They would kill you." Louis mouths the 'kill' and 'drug' parts for Rose as he talks with excitement.

I consider the threat and its logical but instead of responding I sigh and roll my eyes then turn forward to see Rose from the mirror. She tries to put my hair up with her little hands and chubby fingers and can't seem to manage opening a bobby pin.

What if Louis is right and they get to me, shot me and kill me? What would this little bug do?

"Louis, uhm- instead of going out, can I ask you a few questions?" I ask trying to turn this situation into my advantage. As far along this deal goes, I know really little and its concerning me.

"Absolutely not." Louis responds and gets on his feet, ready to go out the doors.

"Well, if you don't stall me with answering questions, I'll run away with Harry. You don't want your front player killed." I bluff, knowing he would not want me to get hurt.

He looks like he is considering it but then his gaze catches on Rose and his expression turns into a snark, calling my bluff out.

"You would not do that." he chuckles and turns back around to exit when I jolt up to him and grab his arm.

"What if I told you, I did not care of who I left behind? Life never gave me lemons, it threw them at me and it did it too much. I don't give a damn about who is left behind if I die." I whisper just enough so he can hear.

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