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"Stop it." I say and push her off my lap. I do it a little too hard and she falls to the floor.

I stand up immediately and walk away. Fuck who even knows what kind of diseases she has.

"Har-ry." She can't even say my name and it sounds like Hazza. She can't call me that. Thats for family. Only for family.

"Don't." I say and walk to the kitchen after wiping my lips with the back of my hand. Her kiss is sloppy, full of saliva. Her lips does not fit mine like Sky's. Why do I try to find Sky in everyone when she quickly replaces me... Maybe I should kiss Ivana, fuck her and tell all about it to Sky. If she can kiss Winston in front of my eyes, I can fuck anyone I want...

"I can call you anything you want." She says as her hands travel down my bare chest from behind and finds my zipper. How long is her god damn arms?

"Find some-where I can make forget all her." I cringe at her words but try to ignore it. Her hands unzip my jeans and cups my bulge. I try not to flinch. Her hands are so foreign to me...

"This is a one bedroom apartment..." My voice is so raw, not at all turned on or even the slightest raspy. If this was Sky- well she is not Sky. Sky chose not to be with me at this moment.

"Bathroom?" Her mouth bites my ear lobe as she rubs me. If this was Sky I would have already- this is not Sky. Fuck!

"Fine." I say and she holds my hand, dragging me inside the bathroom. If this was 5 months ago, before I met Sky, I would go to a party maybe 7 times a week and went home with someone else almost every time. I would use those girls for a place to crash. And this would be a breeze, no problem.

Now, I feel like no one else is even remotely appealing but Sky. She is like a goddess to me, still. Even after she cheated on me, it's still her. I hate her for that but I still love her.

I hear the lock turn and I get out my day dream. She closes the toilets lid and pushes me onto it. I sit down as she grabs my jeans and pulls them down to my ankles.

I look away and she pulls my boxers down. This doesn't feel right. This doesn't feel right at all.

She grasps my length and I can't take it anymore.

"No!" I scream and stand up, pull my pants up as well as my boxers. She is on her knees when I look down at her and she looks disgusting. Her face has way too much makeup and her fake eyelashes look like pubes stuck to her eyes.

"Did I am wrong?" She asks and I sigh from her language.

"No, I can't do this. Go find Sam." I say and unlock the bathroom, quickly step out and rush to the living room.

I hear her heels click against the wooden flooring as she leaves. Sam will thank me for this.

I grab my phone and open my voicemail. I know she left me voicemails, I need to hear her voice.

"You have three voicemails." The female voice says to me.

"Press 1 to listen, press 2 to delete-" I press 1, getting impatient.

"Harry, I know you are angry and you have every right son. I don't expect you to okay with it. I am still here until the 18th and if you give me another chance, I would love to speak to you. Maybe you can come back to England to visit? I would love that son. My doors are always opened to you. Your loving mother." Anne left me a voicemail. I never check these. Fuck. The cherry on top of a perfect day. I really don't get this women. You can't just fly 11 hours, talk a few words of shit and expect me to be okay with everything. No! Fuck you!

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