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"Louis stop!" I yell as I run after him. I can't seem to reach him no matter how hard I try to run faster. My legs seem to betray me and my mind is taunting me.

"Louis don't take him away from me!!" I yell as pieces are ripped apart from my chest. Louis has Harry tied up and being dragged by two other bodyguards away from me. I can't seem to remember why or how but all I can think of is that I need to have Harry back.

"No! Please don't take him away from me!" I start crying as I try to keep them in sight as they speed away. The more they move apart, the more pain I feel by the look on Harry's face and his hopeless attempts of breaking free.

"Skyler!" He yells back and for a moment its like he is right beside me. I close my eyes to stop the tears, eventually giving up when my eyes jolt open and Harry's green eyes are two inches away from mine. I bounce back in terror as his worried eyes relax.

I feel sheets balled up in my palms and realize I am in a bed with Harry laying beside me. I take a deep breathe of relaxation and throw myself on to the pillow with my palms on my eyes to rub some tension away.

"You had a nightmare." Harry gently lays on me, supporting his weight on his hands on either side of me, pushing the mattress down.

"You were being taken away from me and I was trying to make it stop." I bluntly admit still holding my hands over my eyes. If I saw this dream yesterday, I would have not told it to Harry since it shows how I need and want him but its different this morning. Its not because we had sex, sex is overrated. You shouldn't feel like you have to be nice to them or be around them just because you let someone enter your private parts. Even slugs do it, not a big deal. But because I feel different, I don't know why.

He kisses the tops of my fingers and rolls so he is beside me again. I remove my hands from my eyes and lay on my side so we are eye to eye.

"You snore." I say and gently kick him under the sheets to change the topic. He responds by laughing tickling me. I start to laugh and put my hands out to stop him while doing various of moves I didn't know I could do.

"STOP IT! HAROLD!" I yell in between laughs but he does not stop. He tickles me, laughing equally as much as me, his curls messed up in his face and his eyes bright as it can be.

I am trying to get away from him, crawling like a worm when I snort from excessive laughter. It makes both of us stop for a moment and me to blush then both of us letting each other go from even more laughter.

I manage to get away with the sheets around my naked body when he is too busy laughing. He stops laughing when he is left laying on the sheets without a comforter and only boxers while I already have reached the bathroom door.

"Your too slow Harry." I say and wink before entering the bathroom and locking the door behind me. I strip out of the comforter, leaving it on the floor while I gaze at my reflection. Harry has left two love bites on my neck, as big as dimes.

I open the water for the shower and run my fingers under it, waiting for it to warm up. Last night Harry had me feeling so good and so easy. It has been over two years since I had sex and its stress relieving but this was not just sex. It was a way of me surrendering into his grip.

I step inside the shower and close the glass door behind me, letting the blazing hot water hit my skin and make the shower doors fog up instantly. I gave into his conditions, I gave up the endless battle I had with life and myself. Its different today because I know how it can be with him and what life can be like with him, easier, happier.

I wash my hair then my body with foams than just stand in the water, letting it rinse over me, letting it relax me. I feeling more at ease, I felt in the last maybe six years.

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