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Harry's POV

"Scotch on the rocks please." Kim says. I throw her a glare.

"Make it two." She says and sits down beside me at the bar.

I take a sip of my nearly finished whiskey. I didn't tell anyone I was going to be here.

"How did you find me?" I ask. She smiles cockily and nods to the bartender when he brings our drinks.

"I didn't find you. This is a bar that has an open mic night and I like to watch. Besides, no ID checks man." She says and closes her eyes, then downs her whiskey. Fuck Kim. She motions for another.

"No Chloe then?" I ask and look behind me, into the bar.

"Nope. She doesn't like it. She went to her dad, back to Chicago." She says and sips her second whiskey. I finish mine and take the one she ordered for me.

I came here after I left Sky's hotel room and been here for quiet a lot of time. Its about nine PM now and I have been mostly thinking, sipping my only glass of whiskey. This is my second one in the last four hours maybe?

"Do you perform?" I ask as I smile mockingly.

"Nope." She says and takes her third glass to her lips. She is not in the mood.

"Too scared?" I ask and grab the glass before she can down it. She looks awfully stressed.

"More like too easy going... Too irresponsible." She babbles and I know its not to me directly. She yanks her glass free and downs it.

"Chloe didn't just go to her dad did she?" I ask and Kim bites down her lip.

"She took Emily and told me, I can come back when I get a grip and grow the fuck up!" She almost yells and grabs her fourth. The fucking bartender gives her whiskey like its fucking gum.

"Whats up with you?" She says when no one says anything for a while and we drink in silence.

"Its complicated." I huff and ask for another glass of whiskey. I did enough thinking for today.

"Bullshit." She says and I correct her in my mind to 'turtleshit'. Thats what Sky would do.

"Tell me. Two idiots who can't seem to handle women. I like it." She says and throws an arm over my shoulder. I chuckle and drink the alcohol that blurs my thoughts and makes everything happier.

"Hello. If I can get everyone's attention." Someone says and a microphone buzzing fills the crowded bar.

Kim and I both turn at the same time to see the small stage and a single mic. A young lad, maybe 20, is on the stage, wearing Khaki pants and a Lacoste shirt. He looks like a noob.

"Our first performer is Robin. He will sing." The young boy says and leaves the stage awkwardly.

"The first act is always the worst. The more you drink, the better they get." Kim whispers in my ear and orders 10 tequila shots.


"Yes Sarah!" Me and Kim yell in union as the old women gets off the stage. She did a quick sketch and it was beyond wonderful.

Not mentioning its almost midnight and me and Kimberly finished half of the liquor in the bar.

"You know Kim, I might get into these open mic nights... Its a good laugh." I say and Kim puts one hand on her head before downing her 6th? I lost track, her next vodka cherry.

"I know right?" She says after she shrieks from the alcohol burning her throat.

"You know maybe, maybe we should buy a bar and have these all night, every night? We are too stupid to handle women, maybe we can handle drunk people?" I ask and she breaks down giggling.

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