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My body shakes when it lands on a soft but awful smelling substance that I can't make out. My hands with Harry separate when we are pulled out of what seems like a dumpster and get inside the van. So there was a dumpster. Of course.

A car engine roars behind us and they start shooting just as the doors of the van are closing and more gun shots are heard from above. We speed out the street and take many turns to make us loose our trace. I breathe rapidly with Harry sitting beside me in the van.

"You guys ok?" Louis asks as he observes both of us while handing me a blanket to cover myself. I rub my temples while Harry has his head in his hands which are sitting on his thighs by his elbows. He does that a lot when he is stressed.

I let out a scream followed by a laugh from the over dose of adrenaline in my veins and the Martini. It makes Harry laugh too followed by Louis. Are we ok? Seriously.

"You guys did a really good job tonight. I am proud of you." Louis states while filling three glasses with whiskey for celebration. He hands them to us and holds it out for a cheers.

"I don't know about serving alcoholic beverages to underage teenagers, I mean its a crime." he says which makes all of us laugh than chug down our drinks.

"I liked that dress." Louis says after we finish our drinks, gazing at me. I throw a look at Harry who just admitted that he doesn't really wants my heart to break or to grow out of me. My mood has increased by a thousand and what I did tonight doesn't concern me anymore.

"So were you guys able to get Max?" I ask as I sit straight in my seat, more serious now. Harry clears his throat and clenches his jaw, its stressful to know if what you did was worth anything or not.

"Yeah we did. After you left we got Max but his phone started ringing and he obviously couldn't answer so thats when they realized something was up. They were waiting outside the entrance to get you if you ever got out. Harry..." he nods to Harry while making himself another drink. I throw a grateful look to Harry which he answers by smiling.

The rest of the ride is really long since we have to take three or four different routes and change direction every so often to get our track lost before we get to the hotel. When we do, its about four in the morning, since I came to the bar at almost midnight its reasonable.

We get out the van, me first with Harry behind me and Louis behind him. I struggle to keep the red blanket around me and the pavement is really cold since I am barefoot. Harry grabs the hem of the blanket and wraps it around me masterfully so it doesn't drag on the floor and partially open at random places.

"Thanks." I as I keep my gaze down and start to walk faster into the hotel. Louis gets in before us, followed by his body guards, leaving me and Harry alone in the empty streets of Seattle.

"You always do this! The moment I show a piece of compassion you back away!" Harry yells when I reach the turning doors of the hotel. I stop and turn around the face him. He has his arms open widely, his face distressed, looking at me hard.

"I don't." I almost whisper as I start walking to him. He becomes even angrier.

"You do! The second I say or do something emotional you back off and build a wall between us. Its not fucking fair Skyler." He yells again as wind starts to blow in the street which is opposing to the hot blood burning in my veins. I step closer to him as he puts his hands in his pockets.

"Maybe I do but I am scared." I can't find the volume I need in my voice as I put my hands on Harry's chest. He responds by looking deeply into my eyes when a wetness hits my shoulders. I get goosebumps and suddenly panic but my worry is cut short when it starts raining cats and dogs in under a second.

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